Home Editor's Essays Sen. Mitchell – All for One, and She Is for All of...

Sen. Mitchell – All for One, and She Is for All of Us. Not Quite.


[img]1969|right|Holly Mitchell||no_popup[/img]As one of a birdseed box full of non-black constituents of state Sen. Holly Mitchell (D-Culver City), my breast was fairly bursting with strange pride this morning when she swerved back into the news in her typically peculiar way.

Always sensitive to serving the prudent interests of the majority of her constituents, Sen. Mitchell was bellowing about how some of her fellow left-wingers have jumped off the yahoo-backed legislation to restore affirmative action in higher education.

Somebody help me:

If the senator is justifiably proud of her black culture, why would she stand on a mountaintop and ask for boys and girls who are black but who have skipped studying and learning, tobe admitted to college because they belong to the right race.

Why, senator, would you so typically waste your time with hogwash when there are real people with real problems in your district?

The nice part about Sen. Mitchell’s career is that when it comes time to summarize her achievements, it should not take even a sklow-talking left-winger longer than a half-sneeze to tabulate.

Forgive the smile. It is difficult to take Sen. Mitchell seriously.

A lady of modest legislative accomplishments, Sen. Mitchell found herself on page A-1 this morning for the darnedest reason – she was bellyaching for the 20,00th time about victimology. She desperately needs a new writer.

Like her predecessor Curren Price, she is chair of the Legislative Black Caucus. Whoopee, I believe, is the approved reaction. How useful.

She Represents Who?

Now if she were a college girl instead of a woman of, um, seasoning, I could understand hooking up with a black sorority. In the intervening 30 years, she is supposed to have flowered, not narrowed. Then again, she is a very left Democrat, which tends to be a superfluity. Who is surprised?

With eight of every 10 breaths, Sen. Mitchell exhales pride in her black culture.

That would be fine for a private citizen. Drawing distinctions, however, never has been one of the senator’s strengths. 

As a Democrat, you would expect the behavior she has steadfastly displayed – anger, narrow-mindedness, a bushel of emotion, bean-counting, race-based reasoning. Finally, she champions Swishy’s latest playtoy distraction, inequality.  I think her scoreboard reads nothing to nothing.

There is an irrefutable reason that the Democrat party has been a magnet for the least accomplished, most work-averse, least educated realms of American society.
Contemporary leftist philosophy is built 100 percent upon emotion. This is how most Democrats win most elections, the gimmick that appeals to the underclasses, screaming. I give you Sen. Mitchell as Exhibit A.

Such peculiar rhetorical architecture forms a comfortable setting in Sacramento and at home, for Sen. Mitchell and her infuriated ilk.
The boys and girls on the left are obsessed with victimology that includes every -ism in the dictionary.

Left wingers do not reason or debate.

They scream.

They mock. They are incapable of a task as complex as debating with someone with whom they disagree. By now, not a single respectable journalist survives at NBC,  MSNBC, CNN or the leading journals of the far left, The New York Times, USA Today, The Washington Post, the Los Angeles Titanic.

Crying victim has carried Sen. Mitchell to Democrat heights because that is one of the left’s favorite yardsticks.

I walk away feeling so comprehensively served by such a devoted “public” servant.