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See Jane Run. See Dick Run. And Now, I-ran


Barring an announcement by President Obama that he is granting Gen. McChrystal’s wish for 40,000 more troops, the most important story of the early week will unfold on Sunday morning in the Iranian desert.

Inspectors from the United Nations are scheduled to enter a recently revealed uranian enrichment site in, arguably, the most dangerous country on earth.

Given that the Smiling Dwarf who runs Iran declares every week that his peace-pursuing government intends to bomb Israel, its mortal enemy, the U.N. shopping tour would seem to be throbblingly tense and pregnant with promise.

After spending a plausible amount of time inside the impressive, loaded, bomb factory, Chief Inspector Mohammed ElBaradei will emerge, poker-faced, in the mid-day sun, to meet with the international press.

Bet everything in your home that is not nailed down that the following scene formfully will unfold.

Turning up his empty palms, Mr. ElBaradei gravely will announce that his crack team uncovered no evidence that Iran is building a nuclear bomb for anything but peaceful purposes.

No one will faint in shock.

Records show that Mr. ElBaradei’s inspection team never has found damning evidence anywhere.

If I lived in Israel, I would take the Smiling Dwarf’s destruction threat seriously. Prime Minister Netanyahu does. But from the Obama administration on down, I do not know of a single government outside of Jerusalem that believes the Smiling Dwarf’s vow.

Here, Doggie

Tehran continues to drag Mr. Obama back and forth through the dirt as if he were a pull-toy.

The Dwarf blew off another deadline this morning, and there certainly will be no price to pay in Washington for his insouciance. Iran was supposed to tell the U.N. whether it was agreeable to shipping most of the country’s uranium to Russia for further refinement,.

This is like asking a burglar to hold your jewels while you comb your hair. Supposedly this counter-intuitive transfer would delay Iran’s bomb-building plans.

Now let’s see. The Smiling Dwarf regularly tells a skeptical world he means to kill off Israel, the whole country. Nevertheless, gullible U.N. negotiators, treating him like a trustworthy workng stiff from Peoria, entered today confident that the Dwarf would tell them, “Sure, boys. I will ship nearly all of our uranium supply to our Russian friends. Point me to the train depot. I will drive the truck myself.”

Instead of meekly kowtowing to the West, the Dwarf said, to the surprise of no one except Mr. Obama, “Call us back next week.”

Mr. Obama’s response has yet not been heard. Be assured it will neither be critical nor threatening. Based on his first 9 months in office, such a stance only would apply if Iran were our friend.

Don’t Offend Our Enemies

The inherently submissive Mr. Obama will play the role that he is assiduously perfecting, that of the meek petitioner.

Curiously, the President throughout this year has developed an odd (Islamic?) brotherly bond with the Dwarf. This was precisely why he refused to criticize the Dwarf’s brazen theft of last June’s presidential “election,” which appeared to be a far more blatant crime than the do-over Mr. Obama, almost laughably, has ordered for Afghanistan. That maneuver, too, has an express purpose — it allows Mr. Obama to continue buying dithering time over Gen. McChrystal’s dusty 2-month-old request for more troops.

Mr. Obama says he will not make his call, to send or not to send, until he sees who wins the do-over between our guy Karzai and his rival, Abdullah Abdullah, which translates in English into You Can Say That Again. As if Karzai or You will make a discernible difference.

Meantime, Iran and Russia, one on each end of the floor, are treating Mr. Obama like a baby’s big rubber ball.

Showing no respect for his office or his supposedly superior intellect, they roll him back and forth across the carpet, depending on which one’s turn it is to give a phony, pre-recorded answer to Mr. Obama and his fellow delusionists.