Home Editor's Essays Punish the Good Guys. All Hail the Mumbling Minorities.

Punish the Good Guys. All Hail the Mumbling Minorities.


While the disappointingly detached, arguably disinterested, President Obama can’t work up a modicum of steam over the latest Muslim loon to strike America, you probably should exhale before gulping down this afternoon’s bold dumbing down news from Berkeley, speaking of the pitifully politically correct.

Credit for this story belongs to the crack Los Angeles lawyer who operates one of the most astute websites in the country, patterico.com

The Berkeley High School Governance Council — comprised of teachers, parents and students — has approved a tentative plan to eliminate science labs and the five teachers who lead the classes.

Why? you ask, scratching your nose.

Remember, baby, this is Berkeley, where the worst of America’s radicals go to die. White students and Asians are scoring far better than blacks and Hispanics, and this is a gulf that liberals cannot brook.

They go to the streets and protest. Uneven success must be halted.

“Why” is a question that perennially puzzles liberals.

Even the most enlightened liberals still believe that the only differences between men and women are practically indiscernible.

To tighten the gap between committed students and non-serious ones, the balmy burghers of Berkeley say that by vanquishing those dadratted science labs and teachers, they can free up sufficient money to bring around the non-serious students.

Only a liberal facing this dilemma could add 2 plus 2 and end up with 9 or 6 or 1 1/2, anything but 4.

How do you motivate unmotivated, badly lagging, goof-off students to put aside their drugs and other social distractions and perform in the classroom as if they would like to achieve more than standing on street corners begging for handouts?

Start by penalizing, painfully depriving, the white students who form the main body of science lab classes.

The next step is cloudy. But, hey, baby, it’s Berkeley. Who cares? Berkeley doesn’t have an exact strategy for bringing the mumbling minority students up to minimal grade level through what is called the High School Redesign plan.

But by golly, Murgatroyd, doesn’t this arcane outline sound impressive?

Help the mumblers and maybe before they graduate, some of them can learn to spell “science lab” and possibly even offer a definition.

Eastbayexpress.com carries the bulk of this scheme.

At joannejacobs.com, she relays what I was thinking:

It’s not clear how the savings would be spent, but commenters believe the plan is to create small “learning communities,” an innovation that’s failed to show results so far.

As you know, at least since the time of Socrates, whole schools have widened and deepened their overall knowledge base by taking away classes from dedicated students, instructing them to go sit under a tree while teaching mumbling minorities how to enunciate their a-b-c’s.

How would you like to be operated on someday, friends, by one of these mumbling minorities who wound up at a U.C. campus, and with a gift degree, because he was of the correct skin tone and scored high on sexual preferences?

Who spawned this nutty idea? The principal of Berkeley High, the aptly named Jim Slemp. He obviously has suffered a brain cramp and is in a slump or a slemp.

If the School Board has enough people as willfully ignorant as Principal Brain Cramp, this silliness will pass at the meeting of Jan. 13.