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Panthers Who Made a Clean Escape


[img]1|left|||no_popup[/img]While  two coercive black narcissists are swilling beer this afternoon in the White House, of all places, with a token white cop — who should have refused their gratuitous invitation — a more significant case has re-surfaced a few blocks away at the newly race-conscious Dept.  of Justice.

Unstunningly, the strange, outrageous case is race-laced.

Equally unstunningly, the story regards black bad guys who got  away with a crime of mammoth arrogance.

The kicker is: Members of Swish Obama’s race-based administration brashly  drove the getaway car.

As the entertainer Jamie Foxx instructively warned the Los  Angeles Times a few weeks ago, “Our time has come now that  a black man is in the White House.”

Probably Got  Lost on the Way to Church

On Election Day last November in a very decent Philadelphia neighborhood, three members of the extremist National Black Panther Party — armed and uniformed — showed up at a polling place to intimidate voters who opposed their candidate, Mr. Obama.

Even though intimidation of black voters was said to be common in the  Deep South in the middle of the last century, it is difficult to imagine it occurring on this fearless scale — uniformed bullies at the entryway to polling, waving weapons, vulgarly hollering racial slurs.

There  cannot be 50 people alive today in America who ever have witnessed such arrogance openly displayed in our country.

Before Mr. Obama could get directions to the men’s room in the White House, Justice Dept. lawyers brought suit against these punks and doggedly pursued the prosecution of the three Panthers.

It was chokingly ironic that uneducated  thugs, who were intended to benefit from the 1965 Voting Rights Act heroically pushed through by Republicans and President Johnson, now were being nailed by the same  law.

According to the smart lawyers who run powerlineblog.com, a civil rights activist who participated in the 1960s testified that the  Panthers committed “the most blatant form of voter intimidation” he ever has seen, including in Mississippi. (Check out the YouTube video at Powerline.)

The government won the case.

Winning Is Not Everything

Abruptly and without explanation, though, the government dropped the case against two of  the convicted Panthers, allowing them to promptly resume their daily routine, which probably includes hours of prayers and related mystical worship.

Denouement of Case No. 3 was even more fascinating, the only defendant who had a string attached to his future.

You may not swallow the condition imposed upon this star-crossed wretch, but it is true:

He is barred from bringing a weapon to a polling place in Philadelphia until 2012.

The boys at Powerline also noted that one of these three terrorists is a member of Philadelphia’s  14th  Ward Democratic Committee.

This is one of the early shameful legacies of the bitter, grievance-shlepping U.S. Attorney General, Eric (Let’s Make a Deal, Baby) Holder, who said in the spring that America is a nation of white cowards. One of those white cowards, according to this morning’s  Washington Times, is the honorable Tommy Perrilli, who is a doozy of  a liberal.

A Dem Party activist, he raised $500,000 for the Obama campaign last year. One day afterward, he was idly walking down a street  when he happened — randomly, you understand —  to land a job as Associate Attorney General.

Weeks later, he happened — randomly, you understand — to approve dismissal of the Panthers case, overruling authentic lawyers in the  department. Tommy Boy probably didn’t even realize the Panthers were not white.

This,  friends, is  what happens when you elect a low-brow President.

Meanwhile, the undisciplined and freshly empowered Skippy Peanut Butter, the runtish 5-foot-7 race-baiting Harvard professor with the 5-foot-8 mouth, has protested all  through July, “This is not about me,” as he preens himself in front of a mirror.

Swish Obama, who privately swore to his radical grievance-driven patrons to place race reparations at the top of his agenda, insisted last week, this  week and next week, “Let me be clear. This is not about me.”

In the absence of anyone taking responsibility, dear reader, this must be about you or about me.