Home Editor's Essays Obsessed Enviros Are Choosy About Which Bags to Prohibit

Obsessed Enviros Are Choosy About Which Bags to Prohibit


Halloween cannot be far off. Narcissistic environmentalists have scored another silly putty victory.

Taking a breather from their “I Am a Victim” campaigns, conducted from their knees, one must inquire, What did these unsolicited, simplistic stewards of the environment do before they lost their day jobs?

They convinced the lightweight champion of California, Gov. Brown, to sign a bill Monday that selectively bans certain types of plastic bags in certain types of stores for certain types of products.

Say what?

To call it a bag ban is to call Billy Barty tall and rangy.

Environmentalists, politically speaking, only wanted to put certain plastic-bag manufacturers out of business. This nut-laden movement is fueled by their friends in labor unions.

For a few years, these obsessive hypocrites have been telling us that plastic bags are harmful to the environment.

Now we learn that plastic bags that hold fruits and veggies, they are unbad for the environment – but they could not admit that before they passed their partial ban.

You can see through these loopy people as easily as one may peer through wrinkled plastic bags and observe their ugly, intentional deception and dishonesty.

Here is an uncomplicated question that even an older environmentalist should be able to answer:

If plastic bags are harmful for the environment and charged with polluting bodies of water where ‘ere we go, why, in your eternal pose of mercy and victimhood, did the selfie-loving boys and girls not outlaw all plastic bags.

This is how the left governs. This is why left-wing governments girdling the globe historically have been poster girls for exactly how not to run a state or nation.