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Now That You Have the Negro Vote, Harry, What Will You Do With It?


[img]1|left|||no_popup[/img]This just in: Fourteen house Negroes in New Orleans suffered life-threatening injuries at dawn when a dispute broke out among hundreds of marching house Negroes over which of two House Negroes for Harry rallies to attend at mid-morning.

Meanwhile, in Washington, Sen. Harry (I Love Colored Folks Even More Than Spaniards and Mohammadens) Reid, standing up from his latest apology, said he has been overwhelmed the past four days by the unanimous outpouring of support from the Negro, colored, dusky and black elements of the African American community.

Harry Boy has been on his knees this week more than housewives scrubbing their kitchen floors.

“No white man in modern times has received such a broad, deep and enthusiastic show of support from the Negro American community as I have this week,” Sen. Reid said.

“Having had a chance to closely observe, for the first time, the richness of forgiveness in the charitable Negro heart, I can understand why 92 percent of the Negro vote went to my good friend Barack Hussein Obama. If one of his daughters wants to marry my son when she grows up, I will see if my church can grant them permission.”

As you may know, word broke last Saturday in a just-published book about the Senate Majority Leader making cracks in private about Flat-Tire Obama’s light skin and his Turn It On When It Helps Negro dialect. Negroes the length of the land have risen from the dead to sprint to Harry Boy’s defense. In one sepuchral voice, they said that colored folks everywhere should consider themselves uniquely fortunate to have such an honest Democrat, of pure darned heart, on their side to fight such devils as the evil Sarah Palin, who represents the worst in white culture, as the Huffington Post reminds us forgetful honkies every day.

What’s Bigger, Your Arms or Your Mouth?

My favoritest toady this w eek has been Swish’s dingbat wife, Mad (Aren’t My Huge Arms Beautiful?) Michelle. She used to openly hiss at white people, especially before they elected her husband President. Afterward, Swish’s handlers made her promise to hold her big fat tongue until he is out of office. Hopelessly undisciplined and as angry as Charlie Sheen, she routinely speaks out of turn.

This is what the woman without shame told Politico.com yesterday:

“Harry Reid has no need to apologize to me because I know Harry Reid. I measure people more so on what they do rather than the things they say.”

When a simple-minded person tries to sound smarter than she is, she often will look dumber than she is, as Mad Michelle did here. Try it again: “I measure people more so on what they do rather than the things they say.” That is the logic that her affirmative action education taught her? A slow child would be punished for making such an ignorant observation.

Now that Harry Boy has won the national Negro vote, all he has to do is move some of them there light-skinned folks into Nevada, where there hardly ain’t any, and where he is trailing so badly in this year’s re-election race he is expected to drop out.

Even Henry Louis Gates, the nutty runt professor at Harvard who was offended when a light-skinned white cop arrested him for breaking into his own house, said Sen. Reid only was speaking the truth. Henry, you are so wise.

I never have understood why about 95 percent of American blacks turn themselves back into darkies, vulnerable, willing, exposed, co-dependent, toadying “yazzuh, Massa” slaves of the Democrat Party at every election. Please, ladies and gentlemen of the black community, do not complain about racism, which nearly has vanished anyway, when you aggressively, mindlessly, work to perpetuate it.