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My Son and Black Firefighters


[img]1|left|||no_popup[/img]One of my sons was adopted — prior to his birth, if you wish to know.

When he was entering the first grade of a private school in the Valley, I explained to the teacher that my son’s birth mother had lived all of her life in Massachusetts. And you know how different East Coast lifestyle is from ours. When testing, please consider this anomaly.

When he entered the second grade, I told  his primary teacher that my son now had a natural born brother at home. This new relationship seemed to have affected the way his once pristine personality was developing. When testing, please consider this factor.

By the time my son had advanced to the third grade, his mother and I were divorcing, adding unrequested, unwelcome stress to his daily routines. This potentially permanent condition, I told his teacher, is bound to affect my son at testing times.

In each instant, the teacher smiled, thanked me, and the matter ended there.

Did Someone Yell Fire or Theatre?

My research shows that none of the black firefighters who cleverly managed to blow off their promotion exams in the now-infamous New Haven case the Supreme Court ruled on this week, produced any of the excuses I listed.

However, by fostering a mentality among minorities and lawyers that all setbacks involving a minority American routinely may be traced to racial discrimination, our friends on the Left are well along to remaking America for as long as they live.

Twenty New Haven firefighters received a passing grade, as you know, 19 white, one Hispanic. Every black flunked it.

How do you manage such an amazing feat?

By failing to prepare, by not taking the exam seriously. Based on all available evidence, any other excuse is a raw lie.

I presume at least some of  the tested black firefighters anticipated gaining mass advancement by the color of their skin, ameliorating the need to expend energy on preparation. 

Fifty years ahead, when all of the major players in this ginned-up fake drama likely will be dead, mature Americans should find the case knee-slappingly hilarious.

The Person to Blame

As long as careless American voters aimlessly support bombastic, race-baiting boobettes  such as Speaker of the race-baiters such as the largely mysterious Barack Obama, the cultural environment will be fragrantly ripe for this type of legalistic nonsense.

Without a trace of subtlety or nuance, Mr. Obama, Ms. Bass and a cast of longer established black (and white) politicians have accelerated a poisonous atmosphere in which any minority who fails at any endeavor, serious or light, is encouraged to sue The Man because he was discriminated against.

Evidence? Feh. There are more of them than there are of us. Isn’t that convincing?

I am always disappointed when my friends on the Left desert intellectual arguments and cunningly resort to cluttering the air with data that can even show Mr. Obama is a white man or that Warren Harding was black.

Only on the Left could idle intellectuals producing the following kind of jacklegged data:

In the New Haven Fire Dept., where there  are 336 firefighters:

15 percent are Hispanic.

28 percent are black.

57 percent are white.

In the city of New Haven:

24 percent of residents are Hispanic.

36 percent are black.

44 percent are white.

Racially speaking, what do these numbers prove, dear reader?

That your dog is terminally ill with rabies?

That your wife has a secret drinking problem?

Let’s Play a Game of Blame

But I assure you there is a Victocrat out there in Newspaperland, as well as a friendly lawyer, who can “prove” that since 36 percent of residents of New Haven are black, 36 percent of  firefighters should be black — because that is what the nanny state Obama administration believes is best for you and me.

We have spoken before about an ignorant black teacher at Santa Monica High School a decade ago who carried her racist attitude into the classroom and pinned it  to her blouse every morning. She howled to her intimidated superiors that it was racist to use the same examinations to test the skills of poor black boys and girls and middle class white boys and girls. Even though the  administration knew better, it meekly bowed.

There is abuse of the law — because you can slide by without penalty — and there are persons whom the law was intended to serve.

How many times have you seen a   perfectly sound person emerge from a car with a Handicap sticker?

One of my sisters — whose car bears a Handicap sticker — is burdened with a foot condition.

So excruciating is the pain when she places pressure on the fouled foot that she is reduced to crawling across the living room floor on her knees to her destination.

If she weren’t white, she could sue a certain white authority all the way to Washington for deviously injecting arthritis into her extremity.  Oh, the doctor was black. Then his nirse must have done  the injection.