Home Editor's Essays Mr. Nice Guy Makes Magic – Vanquishes Himself

Mr. Nice Guy Makes Magic – Vanquishes Himself


When the Culver City Democratic Club endorsed the troubling – and troubled – Christopher Armenta this week for the state Assembly special election on Dec. 3, it was a precise replica of the national Democratic Party’s nomination in 2008 of the low-grade greaseball Swish Obama.

Both candidates have moral grime and unethical behavior at the tops of their resumes.

True believing Democrats, however, do not value character. Otherwise, we never would have had the sleaziness of Kennedy, Johnson, Clinton or Obama, four of the most immoral public men of their time.

Mr. Armenta is not that good, or that bad, yet.

However, the desperate, nasty mailer that he sent last week to white voters gives him a fighting chance to qualify for the Circus of Fools.

An upsurge in support is likely after the Democratic Club rubber-stamped his ignorant, calculated gaffe.

Watching unflappable Armenta supporters repeatedly say “Yes, but” on Wednesday night when they heard the ugly mailer repudiated was like watching the Titanic sink. How sad.

One should not take pride in being ill-informed.

The ever-smiling Mr. Armenta, Mr. Nice Guy when he was at City Hall, must have removed his mask and burned it when he left the City Council.

Sebastian Ridley-Thomas, by far the most qualified of the three contenders, and the refreshing third candidate, John Jake, would have spent Wednesday evening more profitably at Dairy Queen instead of the licking they took at the Vets Auditorium.

This crowd of geniuses had the temerity to boo Mr. Jake when he said – God save the Queen – that a goodly number of the criminals in solitary confinement deserve to be there.

Oh, now I see why they xeroxed Mr. Armenta.

The endorsement vote was not fixed – but Einstein could not have convinced this audience of hardheads that 2 plus 2 equals 4. The crowd was so tilted it walked, and thought, sideways.