Home Editor's Essays Look for the Left to Sabotage Beck’s Rally

Look for the Left to Sabotage Beck’s Rally


It is driving the bereft left batty that Glenn Beck is staging a Restoring Honor rally on Saturday in the shadow of the White House, at the Lincoln Memorial, by golly gee whillikers on the same grass, on the same date that Dr. King gave his I Have a Dream speech.

Any 10 of the bereft left who are on the radio — maybe there aren’t 10 total — would sacrifice their salaries for a month to have 5 percent of Mr. Beck’s audience. Just as with the criticism of the encyclopaedic Mr. Limbaugh or their harassment of the extremely attractive and charmingly articulate Ms. Palin, the boys are greenly jealous of conservatives’ appeal. They cannot accept that people whom they declare evil and bigoted for disagreeing with them can be so darned popular and adoringly successful.

Her Fault. His Fault.

Saturday also is the 21st birthday of my youngest son, but none of those lollipops on the left have found out about that yet. I am confident that the Formerly Fetching Former Mrs. Noonan, my son’s mother, and her snazzy erstwhile spouse would be depicted as racists, a son and a daughter of the devil, anti-democratic, anti-Democratic, sexist and fascist for daring to produce a child on the 26th anniversary of Dr. King’s speech.

In two days, Lawdy, Lawdy, can you believe, we will already be celebrating the 47th anniversary of I Have a Dream. The honor of Dr. King will be violated by the vile Mr. Beck, says the bereft left. Why?.

As many of you undoubtedly have suspected, 47 is a golden number for the bereft left. It is the most common Intelligence Quotient found among their ranks.

I am willing to wager 50 percent of my middle son’s impressive inheritance there will be violence at the Glenn Beck rally. It’s a better bet than rain in Pakistan or Swish shrewdly cracking, “Let me make this clear.”

If the Washington gendarmes do not retreat into their predictable Keystone Kops mode, they will find that a cluster of those zany funlovers from the left who are dental exhibitionists will be at the base of the violence, pulling triggers and trying to incite the masses.

Mr. Beck has barred signs, so they won’t be able to use that ruse. But I am certain they will find a way to embarrass him and the conservative movement.