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Liberals Move from Chair to Chair to Sit on, Smother, the Truth


[img]2867|right|Jonathan Gruber||no_popup[/img]A thick slice of rich American humor, the ironic kind, emerges in the liberal/mainstream media whenever an embarrassing liberal lie is exposed.

Do you remember John Kerry’s fake Vietnam claims that helped to sink his Presidential run?

This week’s exposition of huge lies once again drove the liberal media’s feeble response, which has resembled a slow leak in your kitchen faucet. 

When several bulging deceptions about Obamacare were uncorked this week, humiliating to the un-humiliatable President and his fellow Democrats, it was a signal for the television networks and our most influential newspapers to snore away.

The New York Times’s belated reporting was so awkwardly scripted it could have been mistaken as a report on a bar fight. The Los Angeles Titanic has yet to carry a line on the oops scandal. Ditto CBS, NBC, ABC.

Just today, four sleepy days late, politico.com, which bills itself as the principal daily news go-to site, posted an excuse-me, ain’t-much-here story written dismissively in a passive voice (http://www.politico.com/story/2014/11/obamacare-jonathan-gruber-architect-112886.html?hp=r2_4).

On at least four occasions in the last two years, Jonny Gruber, an MIT economist paid $400,000 to be a major architect of Obamacare, admitted in public speeches ending up on YouTube that Republican criticisms of the stuttering law were bullseyes. When trapped and forced to explain himself, he could not say he lied because he had told the truth. Said he had spoken “inappropriately.”

What Discretion?

He told various audiences that Democrats and the administration could not have been candid about Obamacare. Otherwise, it would not have passed. Mr. Gruber said it could not have been admitted that huge numbers of young people were needed to sign on so they could cover the costs of medical care for seniors. Even though voters are “stupid,” they never would have accepted Obamacare, he confessed.

He said that “lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass.”

Buried in the fifth paragraph of The New York Times’s much belated, heavily downplayed story, a paragon of misdirection, Mr. Gruber’s name finally was mentioned. The Times even used one of his most damaging boasts. “This bill was written in a tortured way to make sure” the Congressional Budget Office “did not score the mandate as taxes.”

If Republicans had committed these nasty deeds, the Times and the Titanic would be purchasing ink from ISIS to print extra editions.