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If Jones Will Pardon the Pun, He Is Forced to Jump into a Moving Van


[img]1|left|||no_popup[/img]When a Washington politician declares his no-choice “resignation” at midnight on the Saturday of a holiday weekend, traditionally a media blackout period when the country is looking the other way, you can be sure his bloody conclusion is a barrel of bitters.

Swallow the fatal pill or we will throw you out of the window— those were his choices.

His ice-cold decision was not reached after a fun game of Canasta with his politically correct family.

The political suicide of Swish Obama’s arrogant green jobs czar, Van Jones, was of the most predictable kind — nasty past catches up with deceptive present. It was a predictable detail on Sunday and Monday that Mr. Jones’s liberal apologists throughout the print and electronic media would monolithically cast him as a victim of conservative going after good guys.

If the currently flailing and downright desperate President Obama ever comes clean about his inner self, he will admit that the forced canning of the toxic radical on the nervous eve of his healthcare reform showdown with Congress tomorrow, was the most miserable period of his administration.

The least the boss could do was to allow his deputy to make a respectable getaway, and he did, like a warden winking at an escapee who is charming. Even if this anti-social escapee, an admitted Communist and a proud anti-Semite, could not get hired by Wal-Mart, which has stiffer standards than the Obama White House..

On irrevocable orders from President Obama, his two chief spokesmen, David Axelrod and Robert Gibbs, have archly refused to publicly criticize the fiery, gutter-mouthed Mr. Jones, who believes President Bush was in on the 9/11 bombing. What a White House teammate, eh?

For 5 of Mr. Jones’s first 6 months as the man with the titter-causing title, America’s green jobs czar, the President managed to keep him, his radical convictions and embarrassing activities cleverly hidden from the public.

I Have a Secret

Parenthetically, Mr. Jones belongs to a small but influential group of czars or “advisors” Mr. Obama quietly has chosen because he shares their, shall we say, non-traditional political views. Both the Left and Right agree the czars’ positions and past actions are well left of the mainstream. Utilizing a little-known Presidential power that was not controversial until recently, the President adroitly has employed this unscrutinized authority to bring into the White House hardliners entering via the back door, circumventing standard Senate approval, which they had scant chance of gaining.

Unless you are related to the shaved-headed 40-year-old Tennesseean, until Glenn Beck of Fox News made his gold-mine discoveries a few weeks ago, neither you nor I knew the administration had hired such a nutty fellow or even that such an arcane, lunatic position had been dreamed up.

What helped to make Mr. Jones a magnet for curious potential critics is that he is a steely ideologue before all else. He is not just another ambitious dime-store bureaucrat. That is not necessarily problematic — until you scoop deeper. Mr. Jones, who had visions of growing into an Assistant Messiah when hired last March, turns out to be a horn-honking 16-wheeler roaring down the highway at 85 miles an hour. He means to convert the crowd, not just impart his philosophy.

You learn his political beliefs are generously seasoned with strong traces of racism. A hardline environmentalist, he says the problem’s are Whitey’s fault. He has gone on the stump and blamed “white polluters for poisoning people of color because they don’t have a racial justice framework.”

Mr. Jones was hanged a dozen times by his critics with his own recorded words and loney accusations.

While it is natural to hire people who look like you, doesn’t the President know any smart black guys who do not have a video-trail history of launching racist stink bombs?

He Had a Broken Dream

The hot-tempered Mr. Jones meant to stay in the Obama administration far longer than 6 months to meaningfully alter, not just randomly influence, White House policies beyond the innocent abstractions of the environment.

One irony of the dumping of this unusually strong-minded “advisor” to the President is that, at this moment, we may know more about Mr. Jones’s crudely race-laced convictions than we do about Mr. Obama

Perhaps the sweetest derivative from fringe-riding Mr. Jones’s enforced uncoupling is vindication for Mr. Beck. The aggressive and enterprising research about Mr. Jones conducted by Mr. Beck, who is vilified hourly by the left-wing media, was proven drop-dead correct.

Mr. Jones’s racist pals have only themselves, not Mr. Beck, to blame. Here is why. Early in the summer, Mr. Beck made the incendiary accusation that President Obama is a racist and gave his reasons.

When this bomb was detonated across the media, a race-driven group of which Mr. Jones was a founding father, Color of Change, decided to destroy Mr. Beck. Through raw, race-threaded intimidation, they drove dozens of advertisers away from Mr. Beck’s hugely popular show on hugely popular Fox News, hoping to kill the show and at least damage if not kill Mr. Beck’s career. The unfunny joke was on the racist plotters. Mr. Beck’s ratings rose, sponsors were juggled, and, to hear Fox tell it, they not only did not suffer, they profited.

Meanwhile, Mr. Beck began scoping out the group that tried to steal his job. Sorting through a junkpile, he came across Mr. Jones, whom he discovered has a past that a decent person would work assiduously to disown.

We Have Heard Nothing

All through August, the so-far invulnerable Mr. Beck continually exposed a series of shanty antics by the smooth but undisciplined Mr. Jones.

The Left behaved predictably. I see nothing. I hear nothing. Therefore, nothing is going on. Obsessed with getting the President’s healthcare reform bill passed, the Washington Post, The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times larded their editions with pro-ObamaCare stories while wagging their rabbit ears at Republicans. Shorn of a substantive response to Republican criticism of Mr. Obama’s proposed destruction, not repair, of the present system, the leading American newspapers called Republicans liars instead of identifying where the Republicans were wrong.

They ignored the Jones controversy in its entirety, hoping it would die. They did not mount defenses of Mr. Jones because smart editors knew the hothead was indefensible.

If they couldn’t defend him, the newspapers reasoned, why acknowledge that it was raining all about them? They could not cop to Mr. Beck’s commendable research, which may have spared America worse problems that Mr. Jones could have caused.

By yesterday’s holiday editions, the newspapers had no choice but to confess the wild man was a problem. The Post, The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times refused to tip their left-tilting fedoras to Mr. Beck. With barely discernible shrugs, they blew off the Jones firing by saying Republicans had brought him down. If he did anything wrong, they uniformly maintained, it occurred before last March and therefore did not matter. Oh.

For the Record

Sorry, Sen. Price. Mistakenly in yesterday’s Editor’s Essay, I identified state Sen. Curren D. Price as Assemblyman Price, which he was before last May’s lopsided runoff election.