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How Obama Can Tell He’s in Trouble: When Fellow Dems Whack Him


[img]1|left|||no_popup[/img]The “B” in Barack Obama’s name actually may stand for “Blowhard,” as in, “Being a President of a country sure is harder than being a loose-tongued candidate, isn’t it, Murgatroyd?”

Sometimes the bewildered Mr. Obama,  who detests details, looks and acts like a schoolboy who just found out that smiling at the teacher won’t grow great grades. He has to do homework, too.

This ain’t Oz, Mr. President.

Four months to the day after the most unqualified President of the last 140 years was sworn in, Mr. Obama’s fellow Democrats are finding out he is a paperweight thinker, as Republicans noted last autumn. He is made of pretty ordinary stuff. The only way hero is linked to Mr. Obama is the name of the fast-food sandwich he occasionally wolfs down.

The Senate Democrats handed Mr. Obama  his most stinging defeat yesterday when  they refused his request for $80  million in funding for  closing down Guantanamo because he overlooked one of  those annoying details he hates: Disposition of the  240 Muslim terrorists incarcerated on that Cuban outpost.

Any gumbo politician can declare, “I am  closing down Guantanamo.” Mr. Obama was elected to do the hard part.

Does Anybody Have a Plan?

Since Mr. Obama never bothered to design a plan for transferring the terrorists — to any place on earth outside of the United States — the Senators told the President to go pound sand until he thinks up a strategy.

And so far, every country in the universe has told Mr. Obama no.

Disappointed Democrats are finding out what Michelle should have told them last year, that her first hubby has a habit of saying what people want to hear, then reflecting. Sort of Biden-like, speak now and think later..

His grand scheme for shutting down Guantanamo won plaudits for him, but none of the dopey left-wingers in the media who pant after him with their tongues hanging out thought to inquire how he will dispose of the Muslim killers he condemned President Bush for detaining.

Whatta guy, eh girls?

Shall we call him President Half, all talk, no think.

Mr. Obama has just paid another expensive price for shooting off his mouth, intemperately, because, well, gee, golly, it was what people wanted to hear.

One of Mr. Obama’s keystone pledges during the campaign was that, by George, as soon as he snatched the keys to the White House, by George, he was going to close down that awful place that left-wingers love to ridicule, Guantanamo, by George.

Blowhards who have lived out skinny careers in sacredly protected media bubbles often get rude awakenings when they go out to play with the big boys in Washington.

Mr. Obama still was wiping the stun out of both eyes this morning.

Dreadful News, Mr. President

Dick Durbin of Illinois, the No. 2 Democrat in the Senate, vowed yesterday that the Dems will not authorize funding to close down Guantanamo until Mr. Obama tells the Senators how he plans to disperse the 240 Muslim terrorists.

The Obama-stamped boys in short pants who now inhabit the power structure in Washington are used to playing against girls and getting away free with anything they say.

But Mr. Obama’s vaunted shield is showing worrisome cracks.

Little Harry Reid, the Napoleonic popoff who is the Majority Leader of the Senate, sang in harmony with Mr. Durbin: “We will never allow terrorists to be released in the United States.”

Unless Mr. Obama can convince his spouse to hide  the 240 Muslim killers under their kitchen table, or under his side of  the bed, the President is about to find out what it feels like to  be  waterboarded by your own party.

With the boys in the media covering for him every day as if he were their delicate 3-year-old kid sister, the President’s hideous  little secret that he doesn’t even have a skeletal plan, much less a fallback, has smeared pie all over his face.

The heat ain’t all concentrated in the Valley this spring. It is getting pretty warm underneath the collar of the President.

He turns out to be as much of a visionary as Stevie Wonder. He is young, handsome, speaks well in public when scripted, is well and deviously connected (read:  Acorn), and his notion of the future does not extend farther than the next block.

Mr. Obama has fashioned a stick-thin resume out of shooting off his undisciplined mouth.

This can be an impediment when you are self-obsessed, thin-skinned, arrogant, entitled, puzzled and are supposed to be leading a whole country.

Unless he grows in this job, and he certainly may, he presently stands to leave behind more disappointed followers than any President since Dick Nixon.

At least we know where the next Mensa candidates are not coming from, all the balmy dupes who voted for Mr. Obama. What keen judgment they showed.  And we are only 130 days along. Gads.