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Have You No Shame?


From County Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas on down in Los Angeles, every black in every state who votes Democrat tomorrow, or has in the last month, should make one stop on the way home from the polls.

He should visit his church.

Enter a pew.

Sit or kneel for 15 minutes.

The entirety of his message should be a sincere, aching-heart apology to all of his murdered slave ancestors for shamelessly betraying them.

The 95 percent of blacks who vote Democrat, endorse America’s boldly racist party, the Democrats, who formerly killed blacks like swatting flies. They are helping to obliterate world-record progress that had been made in race relations.

With chilling and expanding arrogance since the 2008 election, the Democrat party, oddly enough of Barack Obama, has driven a successful campaign that has riven the country by promoting racism.

Divide and conquer racially has been the primary goal of President Obama’s policies and speeches for the past seven years.

Nearly every Democrat policy, much Democrat speechmaking and 100 percent of  print and electronic media coverage, has been laced with deadly racism.

Talk about Voter ID laws, police brutality, healthcare, education “gaps,” diversity in industries, immigration, unemployment, entry to colleges, prison sentencing, drug busts – every piece has been smeared with racist language intended to inflame the peasant populace. It has worked beautifully, just as planned.

Because of Democrat policies and attitudes, America is more savagely divided racially than at any time since the Civil War.

Cheering for Racism

Democrat campaigns for tomorrow’s midterm elections have been more openly racist than at any time since the Civil War era.

Who would have thought?

Calculatedly, Democrats have been dividing America by race – rather than qualifications – since President Obama’s election.

Virtually every major policy advocated or opposed by Mr. Obama has carried an overt racist dimension.

The poster boy for the mid-term elections tomorrow has been Democrat screeching against Voter ID laws that require photo proof – although the ginned-up Ferguson controversy has been a close second.

Voter ID laws were enacted to merely slow – not halt — decades of Democrat voter fraud at the polls.

The race-wrapped lies that President Obama and the rest of party leadership have been spewing with increasing venom would sink 10 battleships.

The unerring theme of Democrat campaigns is that blacks and liberal whites are victims of mean-spirited, racist Republicans and the “wars” they have been conducting against (you know the trope) gays, women, climate global change, transgendereds.

Poor Us

Victimology, birth to death, is at the core of national Democrat policy.

Across the country, black Democrats timidly have shaken their approving heads at white Democrat leadership and climbed aboard the racist bandwagon. Their slave ancestors would disown them if they could.

Mr. Ridley-Thomas and his fellow high-profile black politicians in Los Angeles – 100 percent Democrat, though they would be pressed to cogently explain why – have knowingly spit on the graves of their slave ancestors.

He and they should publicly apologize for his and their abysmal behavior.

There are more open-faced racists, white and black, in the Democrat party this morning than there were in the South at the outset of the Civil War.

Mr. Obama and his hysterical, red-necked attorney general, Eric Holder, have co-captained the ship of racism with their outrageous lies about numerous policies, about the Voter ID laws. They have turned into black versions of Bull Connor. With the eager cooperation of sycophantic journalists at The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, the Washington Post, the casual voter can’t find truth with both hands. 

I ask all black Democrats:

Have you no shame?