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Does Bass Karen Have It Backward — Gain Title, Then Earn It?


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Since liberals are not embarrassable, we do not have to divert our eyes while the Mexican Crook, the outgoing Speaker of the Assembly, childishly rolls around in the gutter with the greedy Karen Bass, the incoming Speaker of the Assembly, over when she will succeed him.


Being Mayor of Culver City may be more meaningful than being the spoon-fed Speaker of the Assembly.

The Speaker’s position these days of legislative decline is like a cheap plastic toy from China with a crack in it.

Ain’t worth much.

Ms. Bass may as well have danced into her nearest 99-Cent Store and bought a necklace that glows in the dark instead of this cheapened title.

The State Legislature, given the marginal quality of most inhabitants — where the Vice Chair of the Black Caucus feuds

with the Chair of the Guam Caucus over the credentials of the First Vice President of the Salvadoran Caucus — has been an unfunny political joke since the Willie Brown days, when adults were in charge.

Worth Celebrating?

For the last five days, there has been a tittering all across Culver City. Isn’t it wonderful, neighbor says to neighbor, that our Assemblyperson, the greedy Ms. Bass, who allegedly (but not really) represents Culver City in Sacramento, is the new Speaker?


By many accounts, the greedy Ms. Bass long since — like a kleptomaniac — has started shopping for her next job. Becoming Speaker, hardly an earned position, is a thumb-twiddler, a very temporary waystation, for the greedy Ms. Bass.

Shunning Dawdling

When one is starved for attention while unashamedly feeding at the public trough, one cannot waste one’s time on the mundanity of one’s current job.

Since one is going to be term-limited in less than two years, and one has not been accustomed to toiling for a living the past 18 years, one must ignore the present and concentrate exclusively on the future.

If you believe her heart and her mind are on the Speaker position, you may be sadly fooled.

Thankfully, the greedy Ms. Bass is ambidextrous.

You Have to Hand It To Her

With one hand, she vaguely, distractedly, absentmindedly accepts congratulations for being voted into the Speakership.

With the other, she closely tracks the June election for the seat of the retiring County Supervisor Yvonne Brathwaite Burke.

If Los Angeles City Councilman Bernie Parks wins, the greedy Ms. Bass is expected to run home so fast from Sacramento, her shoes will be on fire. She likely would run for the chair vacated by Mr. Parks.

Alternatively, if state Sen. Mark Ridley-Thomas (D-Culver City, you will excuse the creative expression) wins the Supervisor’s race, the greedy Ms. Bass is expected to lunge for his vacated job.

In which case, I presume, the defeated Mr. Parks would turn his eye toward Sacramento and run for the greedy Ms. Bass’s vacated job.

East Coast, Here I Come

If Mr. Ridley-Thomas, who has been playing this job-jumping game for decades, loses in June, I hear he will run for the City Council in Baltimore where he can start the whole merry-go-round scam all over again and ride that phony wave into retirement.

You must say this about our low-class Democrats. They are not smart. But they sure work hard to be entertain us.