Home Editor's Essays Betty Unpleasant Gives You a Steaming Mouthful

Betty Unpleasant Gives You a Steaming Mouthful


Memo to City Councils everywhere: Before an intrusive Plastic Bag Ban is enacted, an Old Bag Ban ought to be approved.

Hopefully, that would mute the mindless, brawling, race-splattering hatefulness of Old Bags such as the poorly named Betty Pleasant. As an unreconstructed racist and sexist – with a loyal following at wavenewspapers.com – Betty Unpleasant muddies the reputation of respectable liberals.

The Old Bag must feel her health slipping. Surely that is the only logical reason the Old Bag uncorked the obscene thousand-word screed.
Last time I saw this much people-loathing nuttiness crammed into a single piece was “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.”  Duck, Betty.

The Old Bag, whom I never have met, is one of those old-fashioned racists, humbly shallow. She voted for Swish Obama because he is black. She seems to know nothing of his policies. It’s skin, baby, that counts. Who cares about his mind or his politics.

Duck again, Betty.

I suspect if the Old Bag learned God is a Republican, she would declare for atheism.

I would hate to be the Old Bag’s tailor. You would be constantly sewing back together the clothes she rips when she is pitching another one of her tantrums.

There are so many factual errors in this blood-dripping piece that correction of them must await separate treatment.
The Old Bag reminds me of a pop hit of a few years ago, “Alone Again, Naturally.”
The Old Bag is the kind of gal divorce was invented for.

Grip both handles of the chair before proceeding:

Soulvine Special:
Repudiate Him
By Betty Pleasant, Los Angeles Wave Newspapers
This is an early and extra Soulvine column I am compelled to write because things that have been televised and published about the mayoral campaign during the past week have made me incensed. If I don't hurry up and put my five cents into this mess, my head will surely explode.
This current bit of mayoral madness began after Wendy Greuel's campaign sent out mailers revealing that former mayoral candidate Kevin James launched a series of hateful, racist verbal and written attacks on African-Americans and Latinos while he was a conservative radio talk show host and insulted and demeaned the one person in this country we blacks and browns revere the most, President Barack Obama. The Greuel campaign revealed that the Republican James compared President Obama to the notorious Nazi sympathizer Neville Chamberlain and wrote an offensive article asserting that President Obama should appoint the cartoon character Daffy Duck to replace retiring Supreme Court Justice David Souter because Daffy Duck has all the qualifications Obama favors among people: The duck “is black, is disabled, is from Hollywood and is a professional victim.” (To quote Daffy Duck, “This is despicable!”)
In addition, James has called Latinos “illegal thug aliens,” and has denigrated current efforts to bring a path to citizenship to more than 11 million undocumented immigrants by labeling Obama's and the Congress's efforts in that regard as “crap” and “a lie.”
As soon as James finished “out of the money” in the primary race to become mayor, he signed on as Eric Garcetti's “No. 1 supporter” and adviser to his campaign against Greuel. An effusive Garcetti took to the airways and announced that he “couldn't be prouder to have James's support.”
As soon as Greuel let us all know what a nasty, classless, throwback bigot James really is, the two of them – Garcetti and James – directed their efforts toward putting the onus on Greuel, making her the villain because she tried and failed to get James to endorse her. But you see, Greuel did nothing wrong. All she did was try to woo a losing candidate into her camp. It's what politicians – all politicians – do. She did not denigrate black and brown people. She did not demean our President Obama. James did! The onus is on him!
James is the villain in this piece, not Greuel.  She and all of us of goodwill ought to thank God that James chose Garcetti and not her. Picking on Greuel is an attempt by Garcetti and the Los Angeles Times to distract us from the wrong that James did. Everybody's talking about Greuel and saying nothing about James, not even Garcetti.

Having now learned what James really is, Greuel publicly stated that had she succeeded in convincing James to endorse her, she would have made him apologize and atone for his offensive words. Which brings me to my point: I will give Garcetti the benefit of the doubt and assume, like Greuel, he was unaware of James's racism at the time he took him on as his campaign advisor. But Garcetti has known about him for more than a week now, and has not said a mumbling word about this disgusting man. Instead, Garcetti has been appearing on TV with James, grinning like he's just won the Lotto. Why?
Could it be that James's, rants reflect Garcetti's opinions? Is Garcetti in sync with James? In his heart, does Garcetti believe James is right? If so, he should continue walking around, talking about what a wonderful mayor he will be. If not, then Garcetti must prove it by repudiating James now. In the past, I have heard Garcetti brag that he was the first to support Obama for president. If so, how can he tolerate being in the presence of his advisor, James? Garcetti must repudiate James and cast him off for the bigot he is or be labeled James's ideological twin and be treated accordingly.
It should be noted that blacks and Latinos are not the only people James disparaged. He insulted gays by simply claiming to be one. If you Google “Kevin James, Gay,” the first item that pops up on the Internet is an article entitled: “Kevin James Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate Reconfirms He's a Gay Republican.” I don't believe it.
Gays are not bigots. They are the victims of bigots. Gays are usually not Republicans, as that party is anathema to gays' and lesbians' quest for civil liberties. Gays do not attack President Obama because he is the only person trying to make American life better for them. No, James is not gay. He's not good enough to be gay. He needs to be repudiated by everybody – first among whom is Eric Garcetti.
I didn't tolerate the demeaning, name-calling attacks on President Obama by Tavis Smiley andCornel West. So you know I'm not going to sit idly by and let James/Garcetti do it! And to those of you who are wondering: Yes, if Greuel had formed an unholy alliance with James, I would not hesitate to attack her either.
Instead of casting off the offensive James, Garcetti and James made a joint TV appearance the other day and played for the public the text messages James received from Greuel in her attempt to get his support. They thought his messages were wonderful things and proved something. What? I do not know. Yeah, well  I have a text message for voters, too: My text is a paraphrase from the biblical book of Joshua, chapter 24, verse 15: “And if it seems evil unto you … choose you this day whom you will elect … but as for me and my house, we will elect Greuel.”
In Thursday's regularly scheduled Soulvine column, I plan to discuss Garcetti and Greuel and black people – especially the handful of black political leaders and activists who have bought into the Garcetti/James duo and the ongoing communication and meetings Greuel and her staff have been having with the black city employees, while Garcetti and his people have rejected all overtures by black city employees to meet with them. Remember, Joshua 24:15.