Home Editor's Essays Assessing Obama’s Speech: Pretty Good

Assessing Obama’s Speech: Pretty Good


[img]1|left|||no_popup[/img]Listening to Barack Obama’s favorite orator — in case you missed this speech, he’s talking again in15 minutes — is like watching your 3-year-old don ice skates for the first time.

Something unpleasant is bound to happen.  And it definitely will hurt you more than him.

Mr. Obama orates so frequently that where once the experience was like hearing a latter-day Lincoln, now his sing-song style more closely resembles two gum-popping girls from Lincoln High School examining the latest issue of  “People” magazine. 

In the first hours after his painfully long 55-minute address to the Islamic world this morning at Cairo University, there seems to be concurrence from the Left and Right:

Nothing new, but overall, not bad.

With this President, though adding “however” usually is advisable.

After inspecting his predictable pandering and maddeningly mushy moral   equivocation, I was reminded of the girl who looks gorgeous from across the room. Upon more serious inspection, her pimply face actually is pockmarked. Helen Keller be her hairdresser. And she talks funny.

Mr. Obama is the Prince of Pimpledon.

Fellow Americans,  We Are in Training

Perhaps more than any other emotion, President Obama’s 4 1/2-month administration has been a daily exercise in conditioning the masses — subtly trying to make us comfortable for the extreme changes that lie shortly ahead.

Political striptease.

Nowhere is this more evident than in Mr, Obama’s previously denied, but, in fact, heavily intertwined personal relationship with Islam. Muslims, you may recall from history class, did not try to kill off Jews until the year 632, and still was in that frame of mind at 6:32 this morning.

He may call himself a Christian or a used Chevrolet. But he walks and talks like a  Muslim. 

Remember that during the campaign, Mr. Obama’s closely drilled, deathly loyal “aides” intimidated any commentators or reporters of stature who had the chutzpah to even casually mention his middle name, Hussein.

When these “aides,” who resemble hard-faced Mafia thugs, said that invoking Mr. Obama’s middle name was racially inflammatory as saying nigger, not one journalist disobeyed.

Overnight, the  one-note order from these thugs morphed into journalistic doctrine. 

It was cold-blooded anti-American heresy, we were lectured  and lectured, to suggest that he was suspiciously exotic merely because he was the only Protestant male in America named Hussein.

Shame on You, Pal

At a Republican campaign stop in Cincinnati, you may remember that a disgusted John McCain forcefully castigated an emcee for pronouncing “Hussein” in his warmup.

Magically, a concept that happens a lot in Mr. Obama’s frilly world, everything changed by the morning after the November election. The tantalizingly secretive Mr. Obama declared that finally it was safe to nudge open his previously “nonexistent” Muslim Closet Door by crack.

On Arab worldwide television that very evening, the disarming Mr. Obama freely alluded, with stunning elaboration, to his  Muslim roots. He looked like a drag queen changing back into a man.

Lo, these months later, he still does.

As magically as if Mickey Mouse had sprung to life, this morning Mr. Obama introduced himself as “Barack Hussein Obama.”

Pardon? What in the name of Murgatroyd happened to his denied secret identity?

Honesty, thy name is… I don’t know.  But it  is not Hussein.

With the cooperation of an apparently permanently infatuated media, almost no narrative has emerged about the newly revealed Cloak-and-Dagger Obama.

All gestures and actions of the President, however, are carefully calculated and catalogued by his staff.

Everything Extreme Should Feel  Natural

Back to the latest conditioning process. In mid-April, the White House started softening us up, getting us used to, the idea of our Dear Leader addressing “the Muslim world.” Eh, wot?

No conspiracy. No darkroom by these brass-knickled gentlemen.

Brazenly, they operate in the open.

Do not believe me. Be richly skeptical. But observe, closely.

Mr. Obama’s people have been kneading us like discount dough for the last 7 weeks.

By late May, didn’t it seem as if most people on earth were talking about the President’s Cairo speech?

Who cared what the Dodgers, the Lakers, Justice (Heaven Help Us) Sonia,  or Tiller the Baby Killer were doing?

This was real life, man.

By last week, every advance story I read described the coming event as “Mr. Obama’s much-anticipated speech.”

To Muslims?

To the same crowd that mowed down 3,000 of us on Sept. 11? 

To the same four Muslims who tried to blow up two synagogues in the Riverdale section of  the Bronx last month?

To the same Muslim who murdered a U.S. Army recruiter three days ago in Little Rock, in the name of Allah?

Conditioning, dear reader, when done professionally on a mass basis, almost always works.

Seven weeks did the trick. By the day of The Speech, most of us agreed to believe it was inherently natural for the most unique, most beloved President since Alexander the Great to speak from a planet-wide platform in the middle of one of the world’s nastiest police states to our cuddly new neighbors, those fun-loving Muslims who have been serially mistreated by Jews and Christians for the last 1,376  years.

During one slick passage, I thought I was listening to Imam Obama at the end of  Friday prayers at our favorite neighborhood mosque.

In your name and mine, President Immodest Obama promised  those darned misunderstood Muslims that America, in the name of world peace, makes the following bushel of pledges:

 “We will expand exchange programs, and increase scholarships, like the one that brought my father to America, while encouraging more Americans to study in Muslim communities. And we will match promising Muslim students with internships in America; invest in on-line learning for teachers and children around the world; and create a new online network so a teenager in Kansas can communicate instantly with a teenager in Cairo.”

Okay, guys, let’s break into pairs and knuckle down to learning Arabic, before dinnertime, so that in his next address to the  world  President Obama can  say what he almost did this morning: “We are all Muslims.”