Home Editor's Essays An Unworthy Argument

An Unworthy Argument


[img]1|left|Ari Noonan||no_popup[/img]Kevin Roderick, formerly a politically correct left-wing reporter at the Los Angeles Titanic, now is a politically correct left-wing blogger at laobserved.com. A Swish Obama acolyte, he could be mistaken for a White House flack because, like those boys, he sports thin skin and bunny ears.

If somebody in the next county strays slightly from the liberal party line, Mr. Roderick promptly notices and begins wailing, as he did this morning.

Chronically angry, as so many left-wingers are, Mr. Roderick spanked his Titanic colleague Andrew Malcolm for writing in the newspaper’s online edition (http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/washington/) that the latest Gallup poll suggests Republicans will reap “historic” gains tomorrow in winning back control of the House of Representatives.

To be precise, Gallup did not use the term “historic.” They said Republicans should “easily” surpass the minimum number of 39 seats they need to win the House.

So where is the quibble?

You Don’t Sound Liberal, Pal

Gallup said that the difference between huge and merely large gains by the GOP will hinge on the size of tomorrow’s turnout.

I mean, the hardline Mr. Roderick blisters Mr. Malcolm for being a “Republican cheerleader” because he accurately reflecting the Gallup findings.

Whether or not the Republicans fall short in attempting to gain control of both chambers of Congress, don’t we have something slightly weightier to debate about.

The green-eyed Mr. Roderick sees Mr. Malcolm as an online competitor, it seems. Mr. Roderick’s uniquely positioned blog serves as a gatekeeper for the Titanic, one of the most left-wing journals in America. The p.r. man’s blog touts what you should read in the print edition. It burns him when Mr. Malcolm treats Republicans as law-abiding equals.

More to flinty Mr. Roderick’s taste is the lukewarm left-wing political soup the Titanic dishes out for the benefit of a mainly liberal audience.

Down to the final minutes before Election Day, the Titanic, with Mr. Roderick’s benevolent blessing, keeps flogging the lie that Republican “outside” money — outside of the party structure — is luring voters, unfairly, into their corner.

You will not read in the Titanic, before or after the election, that Democrats have outspent Republicans in this present cycle by almost a quarter of a billion dollars.

You also will not read that the largest single “outside” donor is the government workers union, the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, dwarfing the donations from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which has been flailed for more than a month by left-wing newspapers, the standard television networks, plus MSNBC and CNN.

The secondary headline on the story by reporters Tommy Hamburger and Kimmie Geiger reads:

“A new campaign finance landscape has buoyed the GOP. Democrats say they will be ready in 2012.”

Titanic political reporting typically portrays Democrats as the helpless victims of conniving Republican fundraisers, even to the level of lying and distorting. But they own the ball and the bat, and they influence many voters.