Home Editor's Essays An Easy Call on Selecting LaMotte’s School Board Successor

An Easy Call on Selecting LaMotte’s School Board Successor


[img]1|left|||no_popup[/img]Special election or hurry-up appointment?

An easy question for both liberals and normal people to field.

For the left, their hearts always are in charge.

[img]2337|right|Marguerite LaMotte||no_popup[/img]And so in the 13 days since the beloved Los Angeles School Board member Marguerite LaMotte died, the South Los Angeles neighborhoods she represented have rushed the barriers.

In expanding numbers, they have been relentlessly shouting – demanding – for her replacement to be named before dessert is served because a half-dozen critical issues are pending.

Besides, they argue stern-facedly, six to eight months will slip by before a special election can be held.

Liberals never have been known for their patience or insight, only for their talent at excoriating and at unloosing meaningless steam. Craving tumult, they hate order.

Their candidate, the worthy Dr. George McKenna, by all available information in his C.V., appears ideally qualified.

If we lived in one of the squalid lands on the planet where left-wing floozies dominate, wear yourself out, kids. Shoot the police. Take over the rubber room. Chew tin cans for dinner.

[img]2335|left|Dr. George McKenna||no_popup[/img]Except this happens to be the orderly, law-driven United States of America, or whatever shaken shards Sucker Obama has left for us peasants to chew on after the five most destructive years in our history.

Despite’s Sucker’s hardiest efforts, we remain a republic, albeit in tatters, where the people – not bimbo elected officials – decide who shall succeed to office.

Therefore, County Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas was correct again when he said it is up to the people, you and me, Murgatroyd, not the bimbos.

“People fought, bled and died to assure that we have the right to vote,” Mr. Ridley-Thomas said. “This is about self-determination.”

When the fans of Ms. LaMotte were voting for her, they should have realized that being in her late 70s, it would not be an upset if she dropped dead, as she did at the age of 80 on Dec, 5.

Now you pay a price for supporting her.

Fittingly at yesterday afternoon’s rush-the-gates LAUSD Board meeting, three members wanted to take immediate action, the other three to delay until Jan. 7.  On that date, we will learn whether the Board is comprised of mature normal people or yahoos.

Fat-mouthed Slapsy Maxie (Ah Love to Talk All Day and Night) Waters (D-South L.A.), possibly the most insecure member of Congress, wormed her way into the act.

Slapsy declared that it was fitting for the Board to delay a decision because that would be in keeping with a black folks’ custom. Except Slapsy was the only yahoo who had heard of the custom.