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An Arab Hero — Brave and Rare


[img]1|left|||no_popup[/img]Joseph Farah is one of the most intriguing persons I have nearly met.

In the late 1990s, when working for a different newspaper, I interviewed young Mr. Farah blindfolded.

Had to.

He is in hiding, pretty much fulltime, from people who mean to kill him and at least to harm his growing-up family.

Mr. Farah, born and who lives as a Christian Arab, aggressively covers the daily news of the planet for his worldnetdaily.com website.

Mr. Farah and all of the other conservative Arabs in America can join me on my bicycle on the way home tonight, and we still will have space for a third person.

His writings appear with regularity in an Orthodox Jewish weekly.

Jews and others regard him as a hero.

Muslim Arabs regard Mr. Farah as a heretic of the worst kind. Not only does he adhere to conservative political moral principles, he disseminates his findings to the wider world on a daily basis.

Modern liberals, as you see on the pages of your favorite daily newspaper and your television channel of choice, frequently are an undisciplined breed, intemperate of thought an action.

Perhaps the most enticing part of being a contemporary liberal is knowing that when you have a black President, any person who opposes him, ipso facto, is a racist. The charge will stand permanently in the present open-ended media climate , because the mere articulation will be sufficient.

This sounds like the groundwork for a silly play whose premise no one would believe.

If you have watched television interviews, or even commentaries, you will see name-calling incivility that used to be restricted — in the ‘50s, ‘60s, ‘70s — to motion pictures.

Now it is the accepted, nearly embraced, norm in daily political discourse.

And we know, drop dead, who the original source was.

President Obama’s intentionally, deceitfully careless race-tinged rhetoric during his late campaign irresistibly flung open the door to zealous supporters and sycophants to follow his rhetorical lead.

A few weeks after his inauguration, the entertainer Jamie Fox arrogantly boasted, “Our time has come.”

“Our time” means the old rules have been kicked into the ditch.

What is so astonishing is that, according to many or most leading Democrats, criticism of Mr. Obama for refusing to divulge any healthcare reform details of publicly calling him a liar — they are equally heinous crimes worthy of stamping the hopeless villain a racist for the rest of his life.

Degrees of difference shall not be recognized.

God must keep busy adding onto Mr. Obama’s foundational faults of pettiness(toward Fox News and its personalities, and all non-liberal talk show hosts), his stunning narcissism, his extraordinary talent for lying and denying in the same aerobic sentence.

But his rigorously denied failings are papered over as if they were committed by Martians instead of the leader of our country.

It was a signal moment when President Obama, speaking off the record a couple days ago, called the freakish Kanye West a jackass.

To coin a precise phrase, wouldn’t you say this was a case of the pot colorfully calling the kettle black?

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