Home Editor's Essays An Answer for My Rabbi

An Answer for My Rabbi


[img]1|left|Ari Noonan||no_popup[/img]After Swish Obama spent the past week doing everything but spitting on Bibi Netanyahu, calling him a nigger and a faggot, on the seventh day he rested, as you would expect from a messiah-in-training.

And this chap is in training.

Except for those three samples of sterling restraint, Swish humiliated the Prime Minister of Israel last week more abysmally than you would behave if a burglar broke into your living room in the middle of the night.

Nasty tricks?

Swish has a plump bag full.

Israel ain’t seen nuthin’ yet.

Meanwhile, at Home

My bewildered rabbi, a brilliant man who practices three careers, including engineering and the law, sat at the head of an elongated rectangular table at the Shabbos lunch hour two days ago.

Even though he is very much a man of the world (in his late 50s), he was dumbstruck that the President of the United States, traditionally Israel’s best friend on earth, could commit a fortnight of intensely personalized attacks against an alleged peer without a breeze of blowback.

Why, he wondered, wasn’t the American Jewish community rising up in a din of ear-torturing protest?

Why weren’t print/electronic commentators horrified by Swish’s unprecedented demeaning behavior?

Forcing the Prime Minister of Israel to enter the White House through the servants’ doors?

Surrounded by a mostly (but not unanimously) sympathetic audience, my rabbi, 10 minutes removed from a thundering brimstone speech about the drumbeat of American insults against Israel, my rabbi was equal parts wounded and puzzled.

No Mystery

My shorthand response is that 95 percent of American journalists and about the same proportion of American Jews are in exact, until-death-do-you-and-me-part-Baby philosophical lockstep with Swish.

Optimistically, 5 percent of American Jews are Orthodox. For the remainder, relatively few actively, publicly identify as Jews. You would think Judaism were an infectious disease.

Of that lusty 95 percent, most are political liberals. Virtually all politically liberal Jews I have known are Democrats first, and Jewish well down the line. That does not leave much of our community to storm against Swish’s latest incivil, classless rants.

Journalistically, the evidence of deathly allegiance to Swish is as overt as the sky.

Look at one after another of influential publications.

Whack Those Jews Until They Learn

Saturday’s lead editorial in The New York Times — which despises all non-left-wingers — heaped child-like praise upon the President for bitterly rebuking Mr. Netanyahu, lambasting Israeli “settlements,” lambasting Israeli incursions into “Palestinian” neighborhoods. The ghost of Arafat could not have insulted Israel more vividly before a mixed audience. The Times has a deep history for such far left, anti-Israel convictions.

Max Hastings in the Financial Times of London, torching his Saturday essay with disgraceful, hate-Israel terminology, warns Israel that it has few friends in the world and it better heed Swish’s wishes that they throw their arms in the air and retreat from East Jerusalem.

My favorite Israel Is Nuts editorial essay was penned by editor David Remnick in the March 29 edition of The New Yorker. David is a Jew, but you never would guess. I thought poor David was writing about Swish kicking Israel in its bloody gums in place of Swish’s late parents. Drippingly, David fawned like a yahoo kid seeing his first movie star in person.

As a yahoo Jew who hopes to learn to spell synagogue, and then possibly find one, before he ages much more, David was at his fang-baring best in slaying the Israeli dragon and elevating the President to St. Swish.

Like many liberals who lead their lives emotionally rather than rationally, David lashed out as if he had a baseball bat in both hands trying to kill two paraplegic ants a half-mile away. Oh, my, did he twirl those clubs.

Like most secular Jews, he disdains the notion that Israel has any right to Israel, that they need to scoot over to the edge of the seat so that the worthy pure-soul Arabs — who want all of the Land of Israel — can get more than their feet in the door.

His praise of Swish would embarrass readers beyond their teen years.

My favorite Davidism that leaks like a sieve is his puerile response to the loaded idea that Swish does not hate Jews.

My golly whillickers, brightly responded David, he has surrounded himself with them most of his career. (You know, the some-of-my-best-friends-are-Negroes fallback.)

What David does not disclose is that most of the Jews he cites are self-hating Jews who, like David, have no idea where the nearest synagogue is, what holiday starts tonight — until it becomes politically profitable for them.

With his tongue extended in admiration, David only neglected one detail in his essay, that his paean to Swish, “The Bridge: The Life and Rise of Barack Obama,” is just out.

Reviewer Douglas Brinkley, a respected critic, calls it “a brilliantly constructed, flawlessly written biography.”

No wonder Fox News wallops the competition. Where else can you can fair and balanced reporting in a liberal-loaded world?