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After You Have Been Exposed, Where, in the World, Can a Cowardly Killer Hide?



Has everyone received the memo?

The several main charges of inhumane behavior against Hamas terrorists in the Israel-Gaza War — including using human shields, and storing arms’ caches in homes, hospitals and mosques — have been repeatedly validated and exposed in the last three weeks.

Just this morning, I watched a YouTube video of Israeli soldiers walking through a gutted mosque they bombed. They were inspecting a large anti-aircraft cannon and modest-sized rockets that had been sort of, hidden.

Even the Los Angeles Times slowly but steadily is coming around to conceding ground.

Starting on Dec. 27, the Times vaguely, harmlessly but deceptively described the tunnels through which the terrorists have been smuggling arms for years merely as “tunnels.”

Then there was a spike in the reporting. Briefly, the hundreds of tunnels were labeled as humanitarian lifelines, vital to the nutritional health of “the densely populated coastal enclave.”

And then they were labeled “supply tunnels.” That was a pip.

But keeping a straight face through these permutations was too challenging.

What the heck is a “supply tunnel”? Grocery supplies? Clothing supplies?

By last week, grudgingly, Times’ reporters had conceded that well, um, yes, the tunnels that Israel was destroying were arms smuggling routes. Shhh. Very quietly this no-longer-deniable fact was admitted.

When you de-mask the underground routes and they are lying there, denuded, before the whole world, choking with weapons, what else can a partisan do but re-shut his mouth and slink away?

Not that the memo has made it around the world yet.

What Is a Coward to Do?

David Horovitz, the editor of the Jerusalem Post, wrote last week that the Hamas spokespersons no longer seemed to be shrilly complaining about the bombing of mosques “because they knew they had been found out.”

Of the six mosques that had been obliterated to that point, Mr. Horovitz found the name of one unusually interesting, the Ibrahim al-Maqadama Mosque.

“The name of the mosque rather gives the game away,” Mr. Horovitz wrote.

The esteemed Mr. al-Maqadama, you see was a founder of Hamas, a particularly filthy fellow who was a military chief. He was sort of Thomas Jefferson in a multi-hued mask. During one of Hamas’s suicide-bomber streaks six years ago, paternalistic Mr. al-Maqadama was maqa-dam’d into the next world, bombed to smithereens himself in an Israeli helicopter strike.

[The al-Maqadama mosque-rade was as howlingly funny and phony as the “Church of St. Che” or the “Bugsy Siegel Synagogue.”]

However, both Israel’s critics and the sizable international chorus of Jew-haters, being clear, unimpeded thinkers, remain firmly unconvinced.

All Hail to the U.N.

Ever since the state of Israel was organized 61 years ago, the United Nations has been the best friend and most reliable ally of left-wing thinkers seeking a way to slam Israel without being labeled an anti-Semite.

Any day, I expect to see the cast of routinely lying, Jew-hating, unethical U.N. boobs and boobettes in Gaza and Jerusalem show up for the requisite television interviews with terrorists’ masks blotting out their mugs.

Effectively, they are sob-sister toadies for whichever Arab dictatorship is close by, whether in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Gaza or the West Bank. They have a wide range of choices because all 22 Arab governments in the Middle East are dictatorships, a pesky little fact that keeps getting in the way.

After Israel bombed a U.N. school last week because terrorists were shooting from there, the Times’ Sebastian Rotella reported:

“However, U.N. officials denied that Hamas militants fired from the compound.”

Where shall we start?

With U.N. boobs being more eloquent spokespersons for the Hamas cause than the cowardly terrorists themselves who were hunching under a table, out of view?

Hamas cannot speak for itself? Too busy cowering?

A Homecoming Solution

Maybe if they drop by our hometown King Fahad Mosque for a little R & R, the boys can stand up straight for the first time in a month, flex their decaying muscles and regain their ebbing fighting form.