Home Editor's Essays After Obama’s Speech, Life Never Will Be the Same Again

After Obama’s Speech, Life Never Will Be the Same Again


[img]1|left|||no_popup[/img]“This week, the entire country of Israel is going through a civil defense drill to prepare for the inevitable war that is coming to us at any time now”Shachar, from today’s essay 

Even after he delivered one of the longer  speeches in modern Presidential history yesterday, even though it seems that he speaks to us several times a day on television, do you understand Barack Obama any more closely than you did last summer?

I don’t.

From the Left and the Right, I scarcely have found two persons on either side who took away similar — specific —views from his 55-minute address to “the Muslim world.”

Rhetorically, he is as sly and devious as a young man simultaneously dating two women, promising fervently to marry both.

What should we read literally from his Cairo talk?

How much was symbolic?

Any elbows-to-the-ribs portions that could have been overlooked on the first reading, as often happens with one of his speeches  where the ballyhoo clouds the true meaning of the rhetoric?

The Jews, understandably, took his speech the worst because, for once, Mr. Obama fulfilled a campaign promise.

From this day forward, at least until Mr. Obama leaves office, the sui generis traditional intimate relationship between America and the only democracy in the Middle East, Israel, is over.

He Cannot Unring a Bell

He took the long-dreaded step of morally equating the Jews of Israel with the terrorist Muslims who have heavily seeded Gaza and the West Bank with their calculatedly self-inflicted suffering.

Most of the world, and Mr. Obama have fallen for it as if they were  the most naive rubes ever born.

He treated fellow Muslims, the Hezbollah terrorist clan, better than he does the Republican Party of America.

He is known for making up numbers from whole cloth. To bolster himself, he claimed that there are 7 million Muslims in America, an overstatement by more than 5 million.

Does the President not know Middle East history? Or was he purposely ignoring undisputable facts? Five Arab states invaded Israel the day it became a state in 1948.  Arabs and Muslims have been terrorizing Israel on  a daily basis  ever since.

Still, Mr. Obama absurdly posits that if Israel will immediately stop building settlements, his Muslim pals will become our BFF.

Doves of peace will float over that tiny strip of the Middle East known as Israel that Mr. Obama’s Muslim pals spit on, that they have  pledged to conquer for themselves while simultaneously obliterating the Jews.

The President could not bring himself to utter any form of the word “”terrorist.”  His Muslim audience might have stoned him.

Let’s Talk Proportion

Geographically, Israel is like a seed, the surrounding Muslim states amount to a watermelon.  Goliath and Dave were twins by comparison.

Here is an original map from 1948 —http://mideastweb.org/un_palestine_partition_detail_map_sept_1947.htm— that will show how the United Nations divided what had been Palestine (historically shared by Jews and Arabs) that will show the higgly-piggly-shaped portion that went to the Jews and the plump portion to the Arabs.

Think of a marriage after a husband comes home and confesses to his wife he has cheated on her. The marriage shakes badly, and even if the couple puts the marriage  back together, their relationship never is  the same.

That is what happened to Israel yesterday.

Except that Israel never cheated on America.

Jews get under Mr. Obama’s skin. He was not, he is not, comfortable in the presence of Jews. 

Note clearly the amazing prescience with which our essayist Shachar crafted her thoughts in today’s piece. (‘War in Israel Looks Imminent, and No One Will Help Us.’)

She wrote her essay before Mr. Obama spoke, but the President has been scuffling in the dirt, warming up to this break ever since snubbing Bibi Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, at the White House last month.

As a Jew, despite initially breathing relief after his talk, upon closer inspection, there is no doubt in my mind he meant to submarine Israel.

I believe more strongly that an unprecedented showdown will explode between the President and Mr. Netanyahu this summer than I believe in the inevitability of July.

Likely, there will be blood in the pool, and  I know where my money is going.

In front of the whole planet, Mr. Obama swore that from here on, he will treat Israel and  the Palestinians evenhandedly.

To convince any doubters, the President committed what heretofore has been regarded as locutional heresy by invoking the name “Palestine” three times.

This was Obama public relations at its greasiest.

As even the President knows, there is no more “Palestine” than there is a land of Oz.

It was the President’s  way of telegraphing to Muslims the following message:

“Don’t think I am just sympathetic to you. I am one of you.”

If you doubt this, and tens of millions of  Americans do, do not take  your eye off the President this summer.

Never have Mr. Obama’s Islamist credentials been so royally on display as they were yesterday.

As Mr. Obama clenched his fist and  repeated in several forms that he was loosening our country’s previously unbreakable bonds with Israel, an analogy occurred. 

I thought about middle-aged parents driving their17-year-old adopted son to the nearest port, handing him a $25 check, telling him now that they have done their part by raising him, he is free to go anywhere in the world to learn life — just as long as he goes.

Go, Bibi.