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A Pathetic Case of the Blind Leading the Sightless into the Lair of a Holdup Man


[img]1|left|Ari Noonan||no_popup[/img]Memo to the hundreds of nice but insufficiently informed, blinders-wearing persons who will dutifully line up in front of all Culver City schools an hour before classes on Friday morning and cheer for Gov. Bald Retread to raise our taxes — hit ‘em again, harder, harder — in three categories, income, sales and vehicles.

Golly, I wish I were a liberal.

Then I could rationalize dreaming up capital ideas like confiscating even more money from my strapped neighbors so Gov. Retread and his left-wing cronies can continue their mindless joyride through the mounds of our dollars we already mail to Sacramento.

Since the hard left is so smooth at manipulating language, I must correct my estimable colleague Tom Elias. In an adjoining essay, Mr. Elias, for at least the second time, denies that a three-cornered increase in your taxes and mine, July 1 or so, is an increase.

Democrats can call all of those taxes cherry pie. They can call my brother my sister. Normal people, however, understand that this latest proposed confiscation is a naked tax hike.

Call it baseball, if you are a sports fan.

But that does not diminish the ill-founded pain that weeping, fundamentally dishonest Dems tell us worries the beans out of them at all other times. How compassionate.

Maybe if we told them that their pet cause, illegal aliens, would be taking a hit, too, these charlatans would retreat.

Flint-hearted Dem legislators won’t authorize three-way tax hikes for illegal and normal Californians. They fear being turned out of office for punishing their blameless constituents.

Golly, I am happy we re-elected the Bald Retread.

Kill Them Babies

Maybe if we told the boys Planned Abortionhood would take a hit if the tax hikes were approved, they would stop and change directions.

In a striking moment of wisdom a couple of years ago, plain-talking School Board member Steve Gourley declared an insight every Culver City resident should mull and closely examine before putting on cheerleading garb on Friday morning:

He said it would take 20 years to unscramble the immoral financial mess that crooked Democrats have created in Sacramento in the last 40 years.

Of course you liberals feel sympathy for the otherwise serious, sweet people who will be marching like the wind on Friday morning, mourning the loss of school funds.

Boys, boys.

Even a 10-year-old could deduce that punching taxpayers in the mouth again and stealing their thinning wallets when they look away is no way to cure a financial shortage.

Isn’t there one, just one, sober, thinking Democrat in the Legislature who can see the ghastly foolishness of such an irresponsible proposal?

I commend to you an essay on the op-ed page in this morning’s Los Angeles Titanic by a reliably misguided left winger, one Steven Hill.

If you can fight your way through his glassy-eyed commentary, on their theory that a dead clock is right twice every 24 hours, Mr. Hill stumbles down a correct alley when he mocks the jokingly elaborate education apparatus in Sacramento.

Every teacher should critically read and digest his Too Much message before deciding that march is a hot idea.