Home Editor's Essays A Glass of Water, Please, for Leftists Choking on Beck’s Triumph

A Glass of Water, Please, for Leftists Choking on Beck’s Triumph


[img]1|left|Ari Noonan||no_popup[/img]Bill O’Reilly was inarguably correct last night, I believe, when he told Glenn Beck there is not one American leftist capable of duplicating the remarkable feat of Mr. Beck’s staggering rally last Saturday at the Lincoln Memorial.

We were reminded once more that a main difference between the competing political camps in our country is that conservatives work for a living and leftists wail for a living. “You broke my rattle. I am going to cry and then tell my mommy.”

The funnest part of the 72 hours of fascinating fallout from Mr. Beck’s Restoring Honor rally is to watch the spooks on the left try to out-position each other to spill a bigger lie about Mr. Beck or conservatives than the last person who spoke. Remarkably undisciplined, they remain stunned that the extremely charismatic, if not erudite, Mr. Beck can attract a half-million people when they are the only ones with a worthy message, indecipherable though it may be.

The chronically offended boys and girls on the left are almost uncontrollably frustrated for two reasons:

• They were positive Mr. Beck would falter because their handlers assured them he would, and

• Unlike responding fierily to their favorite amorphous causes, those gems of abstraction — global warming, abortion, hourly racism, victimology, human rights, feminism, illegal immigration, gay marriage, Swishie’s loopy healthcare scam, teeth-chattering envy of the rich and of the beautiful, and finally, their psychotic obsession with the stars Sarah and Newt — they could not be evasive in answering Mr. Beck’s golden moment. Unlike talking back to the goofy Ground Zero mosque, Mr. Beck loomed immediately in front of them. Vulgarities and weak name-calling, their two favorite tactics, were all they had to throw at Mr. Beck.

For example, whenever the left’s invulnerable commitment to the glorious theology of global warming — or is it global cooling this season? — has been bruised, holy leftists may vaguely respond that skeptics better watch out or greenhouse gases will, by golly, Murgatroyd, end the world before 2020.

Is This the Best You Can Manage?

The left’s response can be summarized in three letters: boo.

Since 97 percent of the academic community is on the left, you would think those boys could be slightly more imaginative than quarreling over whether Mr. Beck drew 8 percent, 9 percent or 10 percent as many people as the world plainly could see were there.

Black racist pundits — Chuckie Blow and Bobby Herbert of The New York Times, Jonathan Capehart of the Washington Post, Clarence T.T. (Turn the) Page of the Chicago Tribune — almost turned their skin inside out rapping the audacious Mr. Beck for defacing sacred Lincoln Memorial turf consecrated only to withstand the pearls of left-wing feet. These blathering racists digest and regurgitate hateful foolishness that only their white left-wing brethren believe. That nasty white boy disgraced Dr. King’s memory, they sniped, and then retreated when it did not draw the desired reaction.

(Dear friends committed to deep-down diversity: I would have told you about the angry black racist pundits at the diversity-minded Los Angeles Times. Sandy (I Am Such a Dunce) Banks was the only one I could think of. Who takes her seriously? She has not written anything worthy of grownup consumption since she began her Please, Oh, Please Have Mercy on Me, a Poor, Single Victim of This Unfair Right-Wing World campaign on her first morning at the Times a number of years ago. These are journalistic whores who are unable to distinguish between mature critiques and little-boy rants.

I counted at least 10 stories yesterday on the far left blog the Huffington Post dealing with Mr. Beck and their other obsession, Ms. Palin.

The lies of so darned many maniacs on the left remind me of the grinning 10-year-old blind boy who said, wittily but pathetically, “I’ll bet you can’t see me.”