Home OP-ED Earth, God, and Us

Earth, God, and Us


I was resting in my pool this morning, thinking about where we are in this universe. 

It’s not the first time I have reflected on who, where, and what we are, and why we are here.  This morning, however, I felt a sense of clarity about it all.

Today’s thinking was not just about how we live on this little planet called Earth, not just about how our planet is probably one of many like it in the universe, and not just about how all life forms are similar. 

Today I caught a glimpse of God –- the force that created and drives our universe. 

For a brief time in that pool, my thoughts seemed to coalesce into a meaningful paradigm.  I felt at one with God, with all life in the universe.

Now that I realize that all life in the universe is bound together, what does this mean for me?

It means that I have found some solace, some peace of mind, in knowing that we humans, who have been here for only millions of years, have a long way to go.  Wars, anger, hatred, envy, murder, rape – God knows we are not quite there yet. 

One day, I believe, people will be kind to each other.  Even though I don’t expect my children’s children’s children to reach that stage.  I know it will come . . .

. . . Unless, we have all killed each other off before that time.

What will I do?  Go back to dreaming about that far off day, realizing that if our world destroys itself, there will be other peopled worlds who, at least, may stand a chance.


Mr. Ebsen may be contacted at robertebsen@hotmail.com