Home OP-ED Duhs Nos. 33-38

Duhs Nos. 33-38


Here we are again – another round of Duhs, thanks to Siri, who adds my thoughts to my iPhone’s “Duhs Note” as I think of them.

Duh No. 33: A Complete Seal

I discovered a trick to quickly and completely seal my quart-size Ziploc freezer bags. I look for the label. I slap the bag, label side down, on the table or counter, and run my finger along the seal. Duh, no leaks whatsoever.

Duh No. 34: Nose Knows

My asthma cough occasionally makes my nose stuffy. With the Afrin-type nasal spray, I cannot spray too often or the dreaded Rebound Effect takes place, and my nose just gets stuffier. I thought I’d try that saline spray just sitting in the cabinet. Duh, it helps! – and I can spray all day if I’d like. How wonderful is that?

Duh No. 35: Woozy No More

I have been relying on half a Tylenol PM each night to get a restful sleep. Better sleep, but woozy days. So last week I decided to quit the pills cold turkey. After a couple of tossfull nights, I am now sleeping better, and – duh – no more wooziness.

Duh No. 36: Spoiled Smoothies No More

I have been freezing bananas and other fruits for my morning smoothies, often placing the leftover smoothie in the fridge – only to forget to drink it. A few days later, I throw it out. But now I discovered I can freeze the leftover smoothie in a Ziploc bag (see Duh No. 33), and duh, I can drink it in a month’s time if I want or add it to another smoothie.

Duh No. 37: Delicious Fiber

I discovered that adding my teaspoon of Metamucil to the morning smoothie is a great way to avoid feeling the texture and taste of the Metamucil. Duh – how many years have I suffered as I quickly gulped my Metamucil in OJ?

Duh No. 38: Sweeter Fiber

What to do with my visiting grandson’s Froot Loops cereal? Tossed in with my high fiber cereal, it’s a duh – real treat!

Mr. Ebsen may be contacted at robertebsen@hotmail.com