Home OP-ED Don’t You Just Love (?) Israel’s Friends in the West?

Don’t You Just Love (?) Israel’s Friends in the West?


Re “In What Other Country Would So Many People Turn Out for War”

[Editor’s Note: As Hamas terrorists continue firing rockets into Israel, sending frightened residents underground, our correspondent resumes her daily update.]

Dateline Jerusalem — At 9:47 last night, the cease-fire was violated by Hamas. Code Red Siren Alerts sounded all over southern Israel as rockets were launched more than two hours before the 72-hour cease- fire expired.  Israel agreed to extend the cease-fire after accepting Egypt's terms. Hamas did not. Hamas could not even wait out the end of the cease-fire before attacking Israel. Not only did Hamas fire at Israel, but also on Egyptian-controlled Sinai near the Sinai-Gaza border, killing one child and injuring two others.

Now Hamas is claiming they did not launch the rockets. They said they agree to a five-day extension of the cease- fire. Starting when? Ever since they agreed, they have been firing rockets at Israel.  If their denial of firing is true, who is launching them? I think I figured it out.  Hamas did not launch rockets at us and violate the cease-fire. They suffered several “work accidents” where the rockets they were building misfired and landed in Israel, one in an Israeli school.

The start of Day Three of the 72-hour cease-fire made me want to scream. at the insanity.  Day Three ended with an asinine five-day extension after we were  bombarded by rockets during the cease- fire. This is extreme insanity.  Dictionary definitions of insanity, not the legal one, include madness, lunacy, craziness, extreme foolishness or irrationality. All apply. 

I could not sleep last night for wondering why Israel was capitulating to what is alleged to be 95 percent of Hamas's demands. Then it began to make sense. Israel's allies, so-called friends in the West, have been extorting and threatening until Israel had no choice but to raise the white flag and surrender.
What else is new? In 1290, on Tisha B'Av, King Edward I ordered all of England's Jews exiled. For more than 400 years, no Jew was permitted to remain in England.  Just days after Tisha B'Av last week, the British are at it again. They are applying more subtle means of extortion, withholding military equipment already paid for by Israel unless Israel meets Hamas's outrageous demands.  Don't you just love our Western “allies”?  Israel's arms supply will be threatened since the cease-fire did not last, even though Hamas was the violater.  Some Brits hate Jews so much that they cannot think straight.  It is perfectly clear Israel is on the front line in this war against humanity. Once Israel goes, so does the Western world.

L'hitraot.  Shachar