Home OP-ED Donald Trump, You Are Fired

Donald Trump, You Are Fired


Memo to: Donald Trump

From: The Veterans Revolution

Subject: “You're Fired.”

That's right, Donald. You are finished. Kaput. Finito.

In all fairness, you voluntarily quit on your own by refusing to report for duty to The Veterans Revolution and support our mission to protect, preserve and defend the Los Angeles National Veterans Home against the domestic enemy of greedy land-grabbers.

On Dec. 17, 2008, we sent you a letter with an informational package about The Veterans Revolution.

All we asked from you was for your patriotic support to help us get our message out to the general public.

We didn't ask you for any money, just your patriotic support.

No Interest

Four months later, instead of you personally responding to our simple request, the Trump Organization submitted your resignation with a tersely written note:

“Mr. Trump is in receipt of your business presentation. While he appreciates your bringing this opportunity to his attention, regretfully, it is of no interest to him.”

Thanks, Donald.

That must've taken real courage to have someone else tell Veterans that our mission to protect, preserve and defend the Los Angeles National Veterans Home was of no interest to you.

By the way, this wasn't a business proposal. It was a simple request asking you to champion our cause and to be a spokesperson for our mission. But if stepping up and defending America's Veterans in their hour of need is of no interest to you, what is?

Throwing in the Towel

For the past 57 consecutive Sundays, fellow Veterans and friends of Veterans have been peacefully demonstrating against the egregious land-grabbing of their sacred land, including the recent giveaway of 16 acres valued at more than a billion dollars for a public park, “rent-free.”

Meanwhile, Veterans’ healthcare services and facilities continue to be underfunded and over-neglected.

Question: How do you say “no” to World War II and Korean Veterans in their 70s and 80s who drive from 20 and 30 miles away every Sunday to faithfully stand at one of the busiest intersections in West Los Angeles with a 15-foot banner that says “Save Our Veterans Land”?

Answer: You don't.

But apparently, you were no match for the “old guard” of The Veterans Revolution, so you threw in the towel before even entering the ring and throwing a single punch on their behalf.

What kind of champion is that?

Just Like Old Times

Some of the younger members of The Veterans Revolutionary, in their 50s and 60s, now have grown accustomed to no- shows, as witnessed during the Vietnam War era.

Back then, too many young American men decided that our military's call to action was “of no interest” to them. They had far more important things to do than serving our country. Things like making money and enjoying the benefits of a free and independent life.

These are all part of the great American dream, and they are why we have a strong national defense to protect those dreams in this great land of unlimited opportunity.

But those who chose not to serve certainly found plenty of time to berate and chastise those who did answer the call, those who took the military oath and pledged their lives for the safety of all others.

Forgive, but Don't Forget

Today's Veterans still remember the malicious welcome-home signs at the airports, signage calling these brave warriors “pigs,” “baby killers” and other despicable names.

The cowardly chants always were punctuated with their only weapon, spit from their venomous mouths.

As disgusting as it was, it's still called “freedom of expression.” And it is always our Military that protects and defends the right for others to exercise it, even if it’s against them.

Interesting paradox, isn't it?

Nonetheless, Veterans are a forgiving and tolerant bunch. John F. Kennedy said: “Forgive your enemies but remember their names.”

Well, Veterans long have forgiven those who wouldn't report for duty during the Vietnam War. They also have forgiven those who called them vile names.

And they've forgiven those who actually caused America to lose the Vietnam War on our own soil with their violent and hateful protests, always, of course, in the name of “peace.”

Vietnam-era Veterans never will forget that our brave warriors didn't lost one significant battle they were asked to fight in Vietnam.

And we remember the names of those who gave the ultimate sacrifice: 58,195 names are engraved on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall in Washington, D.C.

Today, Veterans also forgive those who are too busy to volunteer and support The Veterans Revolution and attend our Sunday rallies to “Save Our Veterans Land.”

We also forgive those who say “it is of no interest” to them.

Veterans’ Hall of Shame

On the other hand, “We the Veterans” do not forget names. In fact, we keep two lists, one for the “Veterans Hall of Fame,” and the other for the “Veterans Hall of Shame.”

Donald, guess which list your name is now on?

I'll give you a hint. It's right beneath Janet Napolitano, Secretary of the Dept. of Homeland Security.

There are plenty more prominent names to keep you company, including some who are just as rich, if not richer than yourself.

We the Veterans have grown accustomed to the corrupt politicians that aid and abet the wealthy fat cats to confiscate Veterans sacred land for their personal amusement park and entertainment center. We forgive them for their sacrilegious and ruthless land grabbing, but we remember their names.

Patriotism or Marketing?

Heretofore, we always considered you to be a different breed of cat. In fact, we considered one of your greatest achievements and most significant projects to be the 70-foot flagpole proudly displaying Old Glory at the Trump National Golf Club in Palos Verdes.

We admired your refusal to compromise or cave in to the demands of ungrateful politicians and community bureaucrats that wanted the American flag and pole removed because you didn't have a permit. We thought your stand against them was a very patriotic gesture.

Apparently we were wrong because it now appears that the incident wasn't about Donald Trump being adamant to patriotically display the American flag at his golf course without a permit.

To the contrary, it now appears this was about Donald Trump getting free publicity in the newspapers to promote his new golf course.

If you were the great patriot you profess to be, you would have immediately volunteered for The Veterans Revolution as an honorable payback for those who defend the American flag, the flag that you apparently used as a marketing tool to promote your golf course.

As mentioned, it is our military that defends your right to exercise freedom of expression anyway you choose. So why can't you defend those who have defended you?

Great Blanket of Freedom

Lest you've conveniently forgotten, your hotels, resorts, gambling casinos, golf courses, mansions, penthouses, private jets, helicopters, yachts, limousines and the liberty to pursue the good life are not the result of your personal business efforts.

No, Donald, they are the result of selfless men and women of the United States armed forces who vigilantly stand guard over this great blanket of freedom that protects you and your family and allows you to compete and prosper in the free market.

Let there be no misunderstanding; our military and Veterans are proud to continue doing that in your behalf, and on behalf of all fellow Americans, including other nations around the world.

Returning the Favor

For some strange reason, we thought you would be proud to return the favor and help Veterans defend their sacred land that is being pillaged and plundered for the benefit of the wealthy and prosperous while 20,000 of our fellow Veterans are homeless here in Los Angeles.

We thought you would be outraged that there never should be one homeless Veteran here because the Los Angeles National Veterans Home is their rightful “home.”

We thought you would be angered that this land that was exclusively deeded in 1888 and backed up by an 1887 Act of Congress, “to be permanently maintained as a National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers,” is being stolen away for non-Veteran use.

We thought you would be proud to join The Veterans Revolution and support our demand that the Deed and Act be honored and the National Home be returned to its century-old legacy as a place for our Veterans to convalesce and rehabilitate from the ravages of war.

We thought you would think like a Veteran.

Second Chances

Times are tough right now for everyone, including yourself. Some Americans are even losing their homes to foreclosure. But think how tough it has to be for those who served our country with great honor and have returned disabled in mind, body or spirit only to see the famed National Veterans Home that has served as a place of healing from war since the Civil War no longer is their “home.”

These brave men and women deserve a second chance .

We the Veterans and The Veterans Revolution are going to make every effort to give them that chance.

Our mission is to take back this hallowed sanctuary by implementing the “Declaration of Enforcement” and restoring our nation's promise and sacred trust that this land be permanently maintained as place of peace and quietude for Veterans to heal from war, not just for today's Veterans, but for future generations of Veterans as well.

Plato prophetically forewarned 2500 years ago, “Only the dead have seen the end of war.”

Think Like a Veteran

Donald, much of your success in the business world can be attributed to getting second chances.

It's what America is about, the opportunity to get up again after being knocked down.

Even though you refused to step into the arena and throw one punch on behalf of The Veterans Revolution, we'll still give you a second chance to erase your name from the Veterans’ Hall of Shame.

The title of your latest book is “Think Like a Champion.

How about joining The Veterans Revolution and beginning to “Think Like a Veteran?”

Only then can one ever declare himself to be a real champion.

Mr. Rosebrock, a military Veteran from the Vietnam War era, may be contacted at rrosebrock1@aol.com