Home OP-ED Do I Have Any Takers?

Do I Have Any Takers?


Dateline Dayton — Last Saturday was the auction in which I had consigned some of National Cash Register’s items along with other things, and Pauline had sent along some dolls.

Just as I normally am in the wrong place at the wrong time to get the bargain or the opportunity to purchase the unusual item, the same could be said for this auction.

It was apparent we didn’t have the items in this sale that the attendees wanted. Most of the NCR items went for very low figures. The dolls were even worse. Visitors to this sale really got good deals.

It looks as though you are safe with guns and Coca Cola; as long as they are quality items and not the normal trinkets you find everywhere.

Dolls must be old to command the higher dollar. In all, the auction of my items went much as I expected. And may I say the auctioneer did a great job…

No Upset

The super Debt Reduction Committee failed — as if that is any real surprise. How can you expect politicians, of either party, to agree on cutting expenses (the debt) when all they ever have done is spend, spend, spend?

If the government really wants to cut the debt, it would appoint a committee of business owners/leaders and farmers, grant them full authority to examine how our tax dollars are being spent and allow their recommendations to be final.

No political involvement.

You know that never will happen. Too many of our representatives would lose pet projects, which could be lining their pockets or political campaigns.

What’s happing in Washington these days should inspire us to clean house. If they are in – they are out. Our representatives haven’t done the job required of them. It appears the present group, along with our inept leader, never will be able to accomplish anything for the good of this great country…

Right or wrong, we always have been a country where you were allowed to express your opinion. We have groups around the county trying to tell the leadership they’re unhappy with what is taking place. Individuals on Wall Street are getting big bonuses for doing a poor job, even to the extent of having to be bailed out by the government. What kind of message does this send to the man and woman on street who can’t get a job, can’t support his or her family and may not have a roof over his head?…

How do we look to the rest of world when we treat these people with police brutality? Didn’t we learn anything from the 1960s and Kent State? Don’t we even criticize other countries for the way they treat protestors?…

Happy Thanksgiving.

Mr. Hennessey may be contacted at pmhenn@sbcglobal.net