Home OP-ED ‘District Forcing ACE Union to be the Bad Guy’

‘District Forcing ACE Union to be the Bad Guy’


[Editor’s Note: A report from the President of the Teachers Union to his 350 members.]


Just a quick note following up on our union meeting yesterday at La Ballona.

First, we're working with CCUSD to address some of our bargaining issues before we lose Assistant Superintendent Ali Delawalla, who has resigned. He is the District's chief financial officer, so we're hoping to reach at least some conceptual agreement with CCUSD about financial issues – such as furlough days for next year – before Ali moves on later this month.

Second, we had a good discussion on the issue of parent groups hiring support staff at their respective schools. It is clear that teachers appreciate this support and want these services to continue. It is also clear that CCUSD needs to step in and provide clarification about these programs.

When is it appropriate for parent groups to be the employer of record? And when do individuals working in our schools need to be CCUSD employees? CCUSD has not stepped forward to address this issue, though, and is forcing ACE (Assn. of Classified Employees) to be the bad guy as they consider asking the Public Employment Relations Board for a ruling.

That's not right. Parents. teachers and unions need the District to take an active role in answering these questions. CCUSD's “hands off” approach does nothing to bring resolution to a difficult issue. Where's the leadership?

Third, we discussed our continued disagreement with CCUSD's relocation plan for Culver Park High School. El Marino needs more space and Culver Park needs a new home. The current “plan” is to refurbish and fence in those old bungalows behind Culver City Middle School. What message does that send to these students? We will continue to support Culver Park students and teachers as they press CCUSD to provide them an appropriate school site.

Fourth – some good news. Culver City Middle School has hired a new part-time special ed teacher. We had brought it to CCUSD's attention (with the friendly threat of legal action) that they were over the state caseload maximums for special ed at Culver City Middle School – and CCUSD responded. Thanks!

Fifth, we're continuing our work on the Millionaires' Tax. California Federation of Teachers, CFT, our state organization, has been joined by California Nurses Assn., CNA, the nurses' union, in sponsoring this initiative. Signature-gatherers are at work. If passed, this initiative would bring a permanent revenue stream to our schools. ( It will provide 30 percent more revenue than the governor's proposal – without his regressive sales tax – and only raises the tax rate beginning with an individual's second million dollars of income!)

Finally, a number of teachers have asked about potential pension changes. Different pension “reform” plans are being tossed around, but we're not aware of any changes that are right around the corner. What generally happens in situations like this is that when changes occur they are applied to “new hires” while those of us who have been working under the current system continue under that system. We'll keep you posted.

Don't hesitate to contact your site rep (or me) with your questions and concerns.

Mr. Mielke may be contacted at davidmielke@ccusd.org