Home OP-ED Disrespecting the American Flag in Culver City

Disrespecting the American Flag in Culver City


[img]1627|left|||no_popup[/img]When life or property is in extreme danger, an internationally recognized symbol of distress is to hang the American flag with the union down:

U.S. Flag Code, Section 8 a) – The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.

What then, is the symbol of dire distress when the American flag is in extreme danger?


For starters, this essay shall serve as notice to Culver City’s “Washington’s Place – Avenue of the Flags” that the America flag is in extreme danger … all ten of them hanging from light poles between Sepulveda and Washington Bboulevards.

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I do not live in Culver City. I rarely drive on Washington Place. But this unpatriotic sight was overwhelming. It caused me to stop and photograph the flags

These are some of the most disgraceful looking flags I have seen, badly faded, torn and tattered, all of them. This did not happen overnight. It took a long period of time of neglect to reach this level of disrespect.

This display is in violation of the U.S. Flag Code, Section 8 k): The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning.

Surely residents in the area regularly drive by these disgraceful looking flags. Yet nobody apparently has observed them. What about the businesses on Washington Place? Or the Culver City employees who work on the streets and clean up on a regular basis? How could they not see this? Or do they just not care?

Men and women have died while others have sustained lifetime injuries from defending the American flag in our behalf. Have we become so ungrateful to disrespect the symbol and price that has been paid for our freedom and independence?

By the way, can we presume that Washington Boulevard and Washington Place are named after Gen. George Washington, Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army throughout the American Revolution that first secured our freedom and independence and then became our first President?

How can there possibly be this kind of blatant disrespect for the American flag, specifically on a street dedicated to the “Father of our Country” and bedecked as an “Avenue of the Flags.” This disrespect and disgrace have been allowed to carry on for such a long period of time, and nobody even cared or complained?

May God have mercy on America.

Mr. Rosebrock may be contacted at RRosebrock1@aol.com