Home OP-ED Difference Between Informed and Uninformed Voters

Difference Between Informed and Uninformed Voters


The School District has had a poor record of maintaining its facilities for the past two decades. The Robert Frost Auditorium, the football and practice fields and the Natatorium are obvious examples of slow decay.

Will the District borrow $75M to fix up our school facilities, only to let them slowly fall into disrepair? Will they be back in twelve years for more? 

Not Another Band-Aid

If the community is going to be asked to pay an estimated $160M in principle and interest over 25 to 30 years, we should make sure our school facilities will be maintained. 

Not Fade Away

The issue is, will the District maintain the facilities once fixed? 

This Time, Different Results

Insanity has been described as doing the same thing and expecting different results. This time, we have a choice. We should demand different results.
Informing Voters

Will the District go out of its way to inform voters during the upcoming bond campaign of the 20 years left on Measure T and the $57M still owed by local taxpayers?

A Case of Mass Amnesia

The bond committee probably would like taxpayers to come down with a temporary form of mass amnesia until after November’s election. They would like the electorate to base its vote on the committee’s own well-thought out, but fiscally lopsided campaign.

Knowledge Is Power

Proponents may publicly agree that voters should make an informed decision but privately hope it is based on less than candid information. Election pundits know uninformed voters’ opinions are easier to shape.

The Not Too Candid Candid-ate

Will the bond committee and School Board members, especially those running for re-election, share pertinent facts? Will our elected servants share such knowledge with taxpayers?

Take a Step Back

If this is not the case, maybe you should not support that candidate’s election efforts. Maybe you should step back and this time …

Just say no.

Mr. Laase may be contacted at GMLaase@aol.com