Home OP-ED Did He See What I Saw?

Did He See What I Saw?


Re “He Objects to Cutting Off the Microphone

Did Robert Zirgulis and I witness the same School Board proceedings on Tuesday night?

Mr. Zirgulis is correct that the Board President did order the microphone turned off while Amanda Copeland spoke.

Freedom of Speech

Ms. Copeland was granted threeminutes of time, as would anyone wishing to address the Board. It was only after she accused a District employee of a criminal act that the Board President, Scott Zeidman, interrupted her and asked Ms. Copeland to stop. He told her this was not the proper forum for airing such complaints. He warned her that she could not publicly accuse a District employee without going through the proper District Employee Complaint process. He read the Board policy, which stipulates the procedures for a citizen/parent to issue a complaint about a District employee. It included pre-notifications of the complaint being given to the employee and a Closed Session hearing to air the complaint before the Board.

Pushing His Buttons

Mr. Zeidman stated that Ms. Copeland could say anything she wanted about him, but that she could not publicly criticize a District employee at this time. After being informed, Ms Copeland read the offending part once again, thereby forcing the Board President no other choice but to order the microphone turned off. She was allowed, though, to continue to read her speech to the audience, uninterrupted, but also unamplified, to its conclusion.

Looks Like a Setup

This all happened while someone else walked around the chambers video-taping the confrontation. Was this a setup? Looks like it to me! It was probably a planned publicity stunt to embarrass the Board and, in particular, Scott Zeidman in particular. Now I’m not a betting man, but if I were. I’d bet dimes-to-donuts that an “edited version” of this confrontation is probably now up on YouTube for all to see.

Back to Mr. Z

He mentions nothing about protecting the honor of his fellow District employee from the airing of an unfounded criminal accusation. Yet he rushes to the aid of an unknown but beautiful and seemingly oppressed damsel in distress. It looks like Mr. Zirgulis has found his next heroic fight against the Evil that resides in his world. It’s just too bad the lady’s first name is Amanda and not Dulcinea. It would have been a perfect fit in this, his next Quixotic adventure.

Mr. Laase may be contacted at GMLaase@aol.com