Home OP-ED Diaper-Changing Time for Our Senator in Sacramento

Diaper-Changing Time for Our Senator in Sacramento


When Sen. Crybaby Price (D-Culver City) is mercifully termed out in Sacramento, he can compete for the School Board in Culver City with those of his narrow-minded ilk.

There is no shortage on the Board of members who are as baldly biased as Sen. Crybaby, the better to make him comfy.

Last month when the august Board was auditioning Super Search teams, one member wanted to make sure Patti Jaffe’s successor would be of the correct skin color. Another member sought to ascertain the new Super would belong to the proper gender.

Thankfully, the Board’s gardeners nourishingly water the weeds of prejudice every morning.

I digress.

If Sen. Crybaby is so darned worried about bums in his gorgeously phrased “communities of color” having their unemployment checks or other forms of welfare cut off, why not do serious people a favor and teach them r-e-s-p-o-n-s-i-b-i-l-i-t-y.

How creative, Senator.

There were several rudimentary problems with the phony-tears press conference that Sen. Crybaby called yesterday to decry the budget cuts proposed by his fellow lily-livered liberal leech, Gov. Brown.

Both of these low-production chaps, who live off of the taxpayers, could mend their ways and perform an actual benefit for normal Californians by teaching responsibility to the welfare queens and kings they profess to worry about. Maybe, Senator, you could urge them to could get actual jobs. Maybe they could trade in their HD contracts for healthy food. Maybe they could sacrifice alcohol for a year or two until they build a minimum of credibility in their next job.

Finally, Senator, shuck the loathsome, chicken-hearted liberal habit of speaking euphemistically instead of using big people’s words.

“Communities of color”?

C’mon, pal. You can speak clearer.