Home OP-ED Democratic Party I Liked Then Is the Republican Party I Like Now

Democratic Party I Liked Then Is the Republican Party I Like Now


I loved Democrats, at least when they cared about the little guy – or I guess the term nowadays is the 99 Percent. 

I loved Democrat Thomas Jefferson. He refused to spend money on military expansion, even though Congress had appropriated the funds. Jefferson looked at public debt as a great evil, one no government should permit. Jefferson supported limited government, states’ rights and local control. I loved Democrat Andrew Jackson, who honored the Constitution, resisted the rechartering of the National Bank, and resented any abrogation of federal authority that attempted to destroy the country. He wanted sound money, sound people and a sound future. During his tenure, the United States paid back its huge loan to France. I loved Democrat James K. Polk. This President was committed to one term in office and the great expansion of the United States from sea to shining sea.

Between the Civil War and World War I, there was one Democratic President, Grover Cleveland, the only chief executive to serve two non-consecutive terms. Aside from an affair that produced a child out of wedlock, Cleveland’s public and private life was impeccable. He resisted federal subsidies, whether to struggling farmers or for the Port of Los Angeles. Above all, government would depend on the people, not the other way around. I loved Democrats like President John F. Kennedy when he talked about having a strong military and lowering taxes so that more people would have money, find work, and create wealth for others. In effect, I liked Democrats when they voted and acted like the Republicans of today.

Those Were Long Ago Yesterdays

Unfortunately, the days when the Democratic Party cared about you and me are long gone, giving way to media and political elites who love to tax the poor in order to pay the way for the rich. My father was a Democrat, to some extent, until the party left him, as much as the party left his father, and also left the Screen Actors Guild President and later California Gov. Ronald Reagan. My mother was a Democrat, because the party stood up for the little guy. Unfortunately, she kept voting the Democratic line because of party affiliation, even though the party no longer was affiliated with the little guy.

Too often, I hear that the Democratic Party claims to represent its members when the current Democratic President has advanced policies that have done more harm than good for the American people and our country.

The Democratic Party leaders of today are out of touch, uncaring, unconnected with the rights, the plights and the fights of poor and middle class voters.

In Hermosa Beach last week, U.S. Rep. Henry Waxman staged a town hall meeting for South Bay residents. The vast majority of Democrats who met with Congressman Waxman were old, rich, white people who cared about “climate change,” just like Waxman himself. This demography does not reflect the country, certainly not California.

Atmosphere, Shmatmosphere

Most people in this country, no matter their age, color, or creed, are not worried about the atmosphere. They do not care about the polar bears not having an Arctic home of their own. They do not worry about the ice caps melting. More specifically, the only Niño that Hispanic voters care about are their own.

When the Democrats of yesterday wanted to make sure everyone had an opportunity, when affirmative action was about affirming that people can take action in their own lives for the better, regardless of their color, then I liked the Democratic Party. Unfortunately, affirmative action went from ending discrimination to promoting reverse discrimination, giving unfair promotions and exceptions to individuals because of race, which had the opposite effect of denying opportunities and impoverishing the very people whom the programs were intended to help.

Democrats Execute a U-Turn

Republicans had long since supported civil rights, to the degree that no one's rights were infringed. To favor one group of people with preferential treatment is detrimental to the same group, as well as to all others. Democrats have taken civil rights in the latter direction. And now too many people are going in the wrong direction, both white and black, and every other color with it.

I liked it when Democrats said “The era of Big Government is over.” I liked it when Democrats passed welfare reform. I liked it when a Democratic President signed into law balanced budgets, and was willing to wield a line-item veto. Today, I am convinced that Bill Clinton was really a Republican, while George W. Bush is looking more like a Democrat.

Spending sprees and irresponsibility define the Democratic Party of today, a political hegemony of nanny-state Pharisees and arrogant, entitled titleholders who insult minorities with empty lies about Republicans and free markets, a party that panders to unions instead of preparing young people to succeed, a party that rejoices when more people enter welfare instead of when people are contributing to their own general welfare.

In effect, the Democratic Party of yesterday that I liked … is the Republican Party I like now. The Democratic voters of today deserve the Democratic Party of yesterday, which is the Republican Party of today: Free markets, free enterprise, and free people.

Arthur Christopher Schaper is a writer and blogger on issues both timeless and timely; political, cultural, and eternal. A lifelong resident of Southern California, he currently lives in Torrance. He may be contacted at arthurschaper@hotmail.com, aschaper1.blogspot.com and at asheisministries.blogspot.com. Also see waxmanwatch.blogspot.com