Home OP-ED Darkest Side of Moving – Ending Relationships with Businesses

Darkest Side of Moving – Ending Relationships with Businesses


Dateline Dayton — Moving is not easy, and to prove it, I have been working in the garage since we took possession of the condo back in December. Until we vacated our old home, we were able to get one car in the garage. As I have told you previously, I have made enough progress in the last two weeks so that Pauline's car fits.

Now I am trying to stop getting bills for services that we no longer use. I notified our national alarm system company that we moved, and their service no longer would be required. Although phone service was terminated on March 10, rendering the service useless, I paid for the entire month.

When the bill arrived for the quarter beginning April 1, I informed the company, in writing, the service no longer was needed. My mistake? I sent my letter to the payment address. The monkeys at that facility are not trained to do anything but deal with one piece of paper, a single check. Never send more than one check in an envelope because they discard them, just like any unimportant correspondence. Once I sent three checks in one envelope to my credit card company. They only processed one. The monkeys there are schooled in the same manner.

I resorted to speaking to an individual at the alarm company. He said the matter was resolved. It was/is not. Yesterday, I spoke with another customer non-service representative. She told me only the new quarter, July through September, was taken care of. Guess I will end up paying them. Contacting an attorney will cost much more. They never will see any additional business from me.

I am having the same problem with the trash service. When I received the billing for the period beginning 
April 1, I paid for the month of April since I still needed their service. They sure didn't question my payment. They were able to change my address, but I still am being billed by this national trash service.

I believe I have identified. It is national. Use local services if possible. We had no choice in Kettering. The city contracted with this company. Wonder if the mayor would help? Probably not since I have moved out of his city.

Have you every wondered what the true story is with Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who has been restored to active duty? We traded bad guys for him. Supposedly he was a deserter. Now he has a desk job. Why isn't he in jail, where it appears he should be? If he's able to do a desk job, why isn't he capable of telling the Army what happened. Or don't they want to know? I wonder who or what he knows that makes him so important. Could go all the way to the Chief. His parents had their picture taken with the President.

Some open administration.

Mr. Hennessey may be contacted at pmhenn@sbcglobal.net