Home OP-ED Culver City Peace Vigil, Every Friday at the Culver Hotel

Culver City Peace Vigil, Every Friday at the Culver Hotel


[Editor­’s Note: Ms. Anderson, a co-founder of the weekly anti-war protest in front of the Culver Hotel, gave the following presentation last night to the Culver City Democratic Club.]

Our Culver City Peace Vigil is now in its 10th month. It began in July of 2007. We meet every Friday evening, from 5:30 to 6:30, in front of the Culver Hotel.

I know that many of you support an immediate end to the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan, and that you refuse to support U.S. military aggression against Iran.

In 2006, the majority of the United States electors voted against occupation, as evidenced by changing the majority ruling party in Congress.

Yet, occupation persists.

We the people need to take back our power.

We voted to end occupation. Yet death, starvation and suffering continue.

Adrian Kinney, former Army Intelligence sergeant, reported on “Democracy Now” this week (KPFK radio, 90.7) that if we want change, we have to be part of the change.

One way to do this is to stand together for peace. If we fail to use the right of assembly and freedom of speech, guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution, then we lose this right.

Here in Culver City, we are about change.

We are about the immediate end to occupation.

We are about denouncing U.S. military aggression in Iraq.

We are about taking back our power.

We are about spreading the word.

During our weekly vigils, more and more commuters are expressing their approval for peace by honking their horns in response to our banner, our signs and our presence in front of the Culver Hotel.

We meet from 5:30 to 6:30 every Friday.

People come for part, or all, of the Peace Vigil Hour.

Please consider joining us. It’s free and it’s fun.