Home OP-ED Critical Crenshaw Light Rail Meeting on Thursday

Critical Crenshaw Light Rail Meeting on Thursday


[img]1823|left|Mr. Goodmon||no_popup[/img]Three weeks before Election Day, where do Los Angeles mayoral candidates Eric Garcetti and Wendy Greuel stand on the Crenshaw Boulevard tunnel and Leimert Park Village Station?

What are their stances on this key issue? Attend our community organizing meeting at 6:30 on Thursday at Christ Temple Church, 3125 W. 54th St., two blocks east of Crenshaw Boulevard, to find out, and to help prepare for the MTA contract award decision, where the board will vote on whether to include a subway station at Leimert Park Village.
Voters in Los Angeles have an important decision to make.

One of the two remaining candidates will assume the office of mayor on July 1, two months from Wednesday, and in that role, he or she will take Antonio Villaraigosa's seat on the Metro board. The new mayor also will make three new Metro board appointments.
Literally, this is a game-changer. Four votes on the 13-member body will change. Ramifications for our issue and for South Los Angeles transportation in general are huge.
Your willingness to continue standing up in our battle to change the street-level segment on Crenshaw Boulevard to underground and return the Leimert Park Village subway station to the project has made this a key issue by which candidates are judged in South L.A. and throughout the city.
Download and distribute the flyer. We encourage all to forward this email hand out the flyer to neighbors and business owners in the community.
Thursday is a critical organizing and informational meeting in our struggle.

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