Home OP-ED ‘Crime Statistics Are Being Manipulated’

‘Crime Statistics Are Being Manipulated’


Re “Malsin Accuses City Hall of Miscalculations

Let me dispel some Culver City myths being championed by Councilperson Scott Malsin that have gone on for too many years and are about to destroy your Police Dept., Fire Dept., and Redevelopment Agency.

Contrary to what Mr. Malsin said in his article, the Police and Fire command staff are not that vital to maintaining a safe community.

The community will not fall into ruin if they leave.

But don’t listen to me or Mr. Malsin.

Ask firefighters or police officers on the front lines what they think. I am sure they perceived Mr. Malsin’s comments as a slap in the face after all of the sacrifices they have made to keep Culver City safe.

I can’t speak for the Fire Dept. But as for the Police Dept., the command staff is not the cream of the crop.

Many outstanding leaders within the Police Dept. and from the outside could fill these spots. If you think I am wrong, you don’t have ask police officers about this one.

Just read some articles over the past year about the votes of no-confidence in the police command staff.

The main reason for the collapse of the Redevelopment Agency in Culver City rests with Gov. Brown. But the lack of a defense for saving the Redevelopment Agency rests solely on the shoulders of retired Police Chief Ted Cooke and every police chief, city manger and Councilmember since 1976.

The main reason crime has been reduced so dramatically since 1981 is the excellent planning and completion of redevelopment projects in the city of Culver City by the Redevelopment Agency.

Since the Redevelopment Agency has been in existence, you have not seen them before the city asking for more money in increased taxes or funding.

But how many times have you seen the Police Dept. command staff taking credit for the reduced crime statistics? When the City Council, city manager and police chiefs need money, they always threaten to cut safety services and say the city will fall into the hands of the criminals and burn to the ground.

The community always has responded with increases on utility taxes and fees to save the city from collapse.

The facts are the Culver City crime stats are manipulated and presented each year to fit the times and the City Councils that have allowed this to happen (with their knowledge).

Right now the city could have used the facts that the Redevelopment Agency has done so much to reduce crime over the past 35 years that we need to save it for the safety and well-being of the community.

Instead, we have Mr. Maslin’s “let’s save my medical insurance and that of the police and fire command staff — or the criminals and fires will decimate our community.”

Mr. Smith may be contacted at www.scsinvest@sbcglobal.net

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