Home OP-ED Council Votes Lukewarm Support for Measure CC

Council Votes Lukewarm Support for Measure CC


The City Council on Monday night passed a resolution in support of the School District’s Measure CC, the School Board’s $106M bond measure. Mayor Jeff Cooper seemed somewhat surprised when member Mehaul O’Leary said he wanted to comment before they voted on it.

Man of the People

I agreed with Councilman O’Leary when he said he “… felt very comfortable with having the people of Culver City decide. That is what we are being asked to do today: To support what (the School Board) is trying to do to, at least, bring  (Measure CC) to the people.”

What Was Missing

But one needs to think about what was not said in passing their resolution. Not one Council member expressed support for the bond’s size or its Prop. 39-type of financing chosen by the Board back in late January.

I am sure all the Council members have as much faith in our community as Mr. O’Leary that local voters can make the right decision on the Board’s bond measure — if given all the pertinent information.

There Is the Problem

So far the District and the bond committee supporters have refused to engage in any true discussion about the bond and its after-effects on our small community. They have chosen to whitewash it by selling the community on its positive aspects, like a door-to-door salesman pitching wares to a mark. With such a onesided presentation, I am not sure local voters will be able to make a fully informed decision.

Board members are elected public officials. We should be able to trust them to make available all the pertinent information concerning their bond proposal. Board members have been entrusted by us to do the right thing. Where is their faith in our community to do the same, even if given all the pertinent information about their bond?

Mr. Laase may be contacted at GMLaase@aol.com