Home OP-ED Coffee for Me?

Coffee for Me?


Can you believe I am not, nor have I ever been, a coffee drinker? Well, not until this week.

This week I may have graduated from being a sip-from-the-wife’s-coffee-cup, to a half-a-cup-of-my-own-coffee every morning.

It all began a month ago, when my kid sister gave us her Keurig coffee maker. My wife began using it immediately.

I was the one who went to Target and Ralphs looking for interesting flavors of coffee for her K cups. This week I bought a 12-pack of what looked like a tasty coffee flavor: Folgers Gourmet, Caramel Drizzle.

This morning, I took that routine sip of my wife’s morning coffee. It was delicious. So I decided to take the plunge and make a cup of my own. After enjoying half a cup of coffee, I placed the remaining half in the fridge for my half-cup of iced coffee later – if I so desired. Was I hooked? Only time will tell.

On those rare occasions when I did drink a half-cup or more of coffee, I became hyper. The same thing is happening now. I feel wired. I feel jazzed. But unlike previous times when this happened, I am now committed to trying a half-cup each morning to see what happens.

Will the jazzed feelings subside a bit each day?

Will I sleep better or worse each night this coming week?

Will the caffeine be good for my health?

Lots of questions. We shall see? I am committed to at least a week’s experiment.

Now that I am thinking about experiments in my life, I have to be honest with you. And of course, honest with myself. The fact is that I don’t do so well with experiments. The problem seems to be one of commitment. Often I have told myself that I will commit for a period of time. But then I easily make excuses for stopping my new program.

Now, however, I am committing to you, in black-and-white, here in this essay. That should give me the impetus to continue for a week. You AND I can look forward to next week’s essay, which may be titled “Coffee for Me” or “Coffee for Me – NOT.”

Hey, this is a great idea: an experiment each week, with a follow-up essay to help me to commit. The problem, of course, is whether I can commit to the above.

Isn’t it exciting, though, that we shall soon know the answer? That’s the FUN!

Mr. Ebsen may be contacted at robertebsen@hotmail.com.