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Citizens and Selected Officials Want the Other Side to Stay Ignorant


Re: A Failure to Lead: Who is in Charge Here?

Dear Mr. Jay Handal:

It appears you are the regular voice for the Culver City residents.

I would like to comment on your article.

First I would like to make a major “typo” correction to your statement .

Who “elected”  the neighbors to make decisions about affordable housing?

Correction: “SELECTED.”  That’s politics in Culver City.

Maybe you didn’t get a chance to read my last response to you, or maybe it just slipped past you.

I am not surprised by the magnitude of the uninformed citizens of Culver City anymore.

Does not matter even if they are s- called “educated,” either. Do not get me wrong. I consider myself educated, but not California-style, though. (Thank you, Lord).

There is this fascination with attorneys in Culver City politics. This not a slam against attorneys.

I am a semi-attorney myself. Graduated tops in my class at the UCLA Attorney Assistant Program. Not too long ago, I wrote an article about attorneys: “Are attorneys really that smart, does it matter which law school they attend?”

Of course Mr. Ari Noonan hasn’t published it yet. (I bet he is trying to protect me from getting a hired hit placed upon me.)

Back to your article. You bring up some valid points. But you apparently are not aware of the Culver City-style politics — selfishness, ignorance, greed and stupidity (SIGS).

See Looking Closer at Why Pappas Was Right and Culver City – Through A Skeptic's Eye

Now the Redevelopment Agency dba City Council former co-conspirators are claiming that the community had the power to prohibit them from building affordable housing.

They failed to mention that the community could not stop the 4043 Irving Pl. (Sal Gonzales) $$$$million give away “SCAM,” though.   

See The Big Sting: 4032 Irving

During one Redevelopment Agency dba City Council meeting, I posed the question of some of the Redevelopment monies being used to help the destitute School District’s money problems.

I was told by one of the Councilmen in front of the others (one is an attorney) that the money’s use was restricted.

That struck me as odd, only because I knew if there ever was a question about spending it on the schools, what agency would argue. 


Now we know that the one reason that the governor wants to dissolve the Redevelopment Agency bandits was that the Redevelopment Agency would not share the “booty” with the schools. 


See No Need to Look Further. I Will Help You Out of the 4043 Mess

If you have noticed that Selfishness, Ignorance and Greed fuels most politics, except Stupidity is added to the mix with Culver City.

The elected officials look good and give bits of sound but its all bologna.

Culver City-selected politicians are mostly ignorant. In several of my articles I mentioned that the School Board should go to Uncle Deep Pockets (the Redevelopment Agency-City Council) and ask for a handout.

Guess what? 

The school district first sent Ms. Patti Jaffe to a Council meeting (up to over midnight) to ask for permission to hold the District’s School Board meetings there, with Karlo Silbiger to follow up.

The City Council agreed to hand over one of the requested days, but thought that the “decoration committee” was too important to reschedule its meeting date.
Of course the financially strapped School District had to pay whatever cost to the ($22 million giveaway) Redevelopment Agency dba City Council.


Stupidity has no bounds.

Now the Redevelopment Agency/City Council is blaming the citizens for their ignorance.

With all the attorneys on both the District School Board and the Redevelopment Agency/City Council (one attorney served on both)…

Never mind. That is another story for another day.

Culver City citizens like their selected officials ignorant.

Like Bell and all the other slickers, Culver City selected officials like their citizens uninformed. (Dumb). 

Mr. Abrams may be contacted at gabrams@ca.rr.com