Home OP-ED Cheers for the Rev. Al – Can You Believe It?

Cheers for the Rev. Al – Can You Believe It?


[img]2726|right|Rev. Al Sharpton||no_popup[/img]You never could guess it from reading America’s leading mainstream leftist newspapers, but the Rev. Al Sharpton struck his first rhetorical home run within memory.

Those of us who thought we never would live to see the moment, have not yet dialed our friendly neighborhood Digger O’Dell.

At Michael Brown’s funeral eight days ago, the Rev. Al, as he prefers to be known, blamed blacks for committing a disproportionate amount of crime.

It is unforgivable that on a weekend in Chicago when there were 26 instances of blacks shooting blacks, yahoos in Ferguson turned Robber Brown into a good guy.

Surely it was painful on the Rev. Al’s Adam’s apple to swallow the following admission:

“We have to be outraged at a 9-year-old girl killed in Chicago. We have got to be outraged by our disrespect for each other, our disregard for each other, our killing and shooting and running around gun-toting each other…”

Further, he said:

“Blackness has never been about being a gangster or a thug. It has been about rising up, fighting against discrimination, building churches and black colleges and succeeding in life, and never giving up.

“And now we get to the 21st century, we get to where we’ve got some positions of power. “And you decide it ain’t black no more to be successful. Now, you want to be a n—– and call your woman a ‘ho.’ You’ve lost where you’re coming from.”

He actually said:

“We’ve got to clean up our community so we can clean up the United States of America!”

Although unemployed black knuckleheads blindly blame cops for the black community’s radically uncivilized behavior against each other, the Rev. Al shot a bullseye when he said:

Blacks need to own responsibility for the non-stop violence that by uneducated residents. It is their fault not the cops’.

Tomorrow morning: Earl Ofari Hutchinson’s response to Ferguson.