Home OP-ED Change Is Not Impossible – We Don’t Even Have to Meet

Change Is Not Impossible – We Don’t Even Have to Meet


I have mentioned before how powerful hypnosis is for those willing to try, how effective it can be when conducted via Skype. NPR recently carried had a five- minute segment on how web therapy is becoming popular, in particular amongst those 35 or younger.

They spoke of how convenient web therapy is because they do not have to travel to the therapist’s office. They can get the therapy wherever they are. Some of my clients are the same. They hypnotize well over the internet.

One current clients is a lady on the East Coast. We never have met. We have had six sessions over the internet. Her results were as good as if she had come to my office.

We are all responsible for the way we feel. That often rules how you are going to enjoy your day – or not. We have trained our subconscious so that it always gives us what we want. Unfortunately that may not be the way you want it to be. You become stuck. Change is not as easy as suspected.

When you know the secret of changes, creating change will be easy. Simple as sitting in a chair, hypnotizing yourself, talking to yourself in exactly the way to gain the changes you want.

In reality we forget how we became the people we are. We gained the behaviors we now have between the ages birth and 12 years old. After that, the behaviors we have are the behaviors we get. What we all want are not what we get but what we want. You have behaviors that just are. You don’t know where they came from.

The answer: As a child, your mom was available to you when you cried. When dad came home, mom’s attention toward you lessened. It took her longer to come Here Comes the Tipoff

As a baby, you watched this behavior. You noticed that when dad came home, mom’s attention was different. You realized that mom loved dad, and if you behave as your father, your mother would love you even more. The pattern was set. Imagine if the father had been an alcoholic who would beat up his wife every night. You would have emulated this behavior. Because your mother did not stop what was happening to her, you grew up believing that your father’s behavior was acceptable. You modeled yourself on that bad behavior.

For a behavioral change, it must occur within the subconscious. Our conscious mind is 10 percent of the 5 percent we use. Our subconscious is 90 percent of the 5 percent we use. You present an image of the person you want to be and suggest it to the subconscious. Since your subconscious does not know bad from good, you can present it directly to your subconscious. The subconscious is like a computer hard drive that holds all the input information. To retrieve the data, you must make the same actions each time.

Similarly, the subconscious gives you the behavior you have trained it to give you. To change the behavior, you alter the subconscious reaction. You will find that the behaviors you have been getting are changing to the behaviors you want.

At first you may need a hypnotist to teach you how to self-hypnotize, how to talk with yourself when in hypnosis to gain the desired changes. Try hypnosis.

Do not hesitate to contact me by telephone, 310.204.3321, or by email at nickpollak@hypnotherapy4you.net. See my website at www.hypnotherapy4you.net