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Casinos, Are You Ready? Here We Come


Dateline Dayton — Last Thursday my brother-in-law and I left for our annual trip to Las Vegas. This year we decided to take a different approach. Instead of taking the next flight out of Denver, our stopover on the way to Vegas, we decided to spend a day visiting casinos in Colorado.

We choose Cripple Creek as our destination, because one casino there had a Strike Machine. Upon arrival in Denver, we rented a car, along with a GPS (smart move), and we were on our way. Cripple Creek is 2½ hours from the Denver Airport.

The weather was on our side, a beautiful day for a drive. We stopped for a sandwich, and arrived in Cripple Creek shortly before 1. The first casino I saw we made our first destination. It was time for a bathroom break.

After getting a Players Club card, a must at every casino we visit, we proceeded to Johnny Nolon’s, got their Players Card and searched out the Strike Machine, which was by the door. We walked right past the machine on the way to get our cards.

I started playing, and I was able to win four Strikes. Since the fourth one was a duplicate and they wouldn’t trade, we moved on to the next casino.

We visited every casino we could find in Cripple Creek, got a card at all that had a rewards program, and by 4 o’clock were on our way back to the Denver airport. We decided to spend the night an hour from the airport because it was less expensive, we were tired, and the day had begun at 3 a.m.

Not Everything New Sparkles

The next morning we returned the car and were at the airport in plenty of time for our 8 o’clock flight. I was chosen to go through the body scanner. No big deal. My bag, even with the Strikes, made it through without a question. Last year on leaving Vegas, my bags were searched, supposedly due to the Strikes.

We boarded a brand new airplane, which had never flown passengers, and experienced mechanical trouble. After spending an hour in our seats, it was finally decided they couldn’t fix the problem. Sure doesn’t speak well of the airline or the manufacturer.

After unloading and getting on another flight, an old reliable one, we finally were on our way to Vegas. The pilot told us he would put “the petal to the metal” and try to improve flying time. If he did beat the flying time, little good it did. We had to sit and wait for a space to disembark? I’m no airport expert, but you would think the airline, knowing that we were already late, would have made sure a space was open for our plane.

Making a Deal

No wonder people are so upset with air travel. You can’t control the weather, and planes have mechanical trouble. However, you would think a new plane would have been checked out prior to our boarding.

Finally we arrived in Vegas, and then at our hotel. Already late, I was able to secure a Strike Machine, and we changed our plans for Friday. I set out to win thirty Strikes, so I could turn them in for a special $300 Strike. After winning 25 and with the machine going into a cold mode, I decided to let someone else have a try.

At 4 o’clock, it was time for our slot tournament meeting where we received our playing times and had a delicious meal. After the meeting, I met a member who had some extra Strikes. He told me he would be willing to sell me the five I needed for face value, $10 each. I took him up on his offer and had my 30.

Friday evening we visited the other casinos on Fremont Street. A lot of activity on Fremont, so it is interesting to walk up and down the street. After visiting the casinos and a few trips on the street, we headed to our room since this day had started at 4 a.m.

Next installment: The tournament and Vegas sites.

Mr. Hennessey may be contacted at pmhenn@sbcglobal.net