Home OP-ED Candidate Answer’s a Reader’s Questions

Candidate Answer’s a Reader’s Questions


Responding to a letter last Friday from Claudia Brooklier:

Q —You seem like a nice guy. You seem like you care.

Can be.

Q — You are running for a place on the School Board, but you don’t seem to understand much. Or maybe it is me who doesn’t understand much.

That’s the problem. I understand too much. Did you read the Big Sting? How about the $435 million fire sale? The missing Ph.Ds?

Q —I have watched a few of the forums. I have read your campaign material. I have read thefront pageonline.com. I have read your page at smartvoter.org. Still, I don’t get it.

Sometimes the “TRUTH takes a little longer to shine. But it always breaks through.

Q — What is your platform?

Decided to run mainly because it will provide a forum to share with citizens how DYSFUNCTIONAL Culver City politics operates.

Q — What do you believe you can do for the schools?

I pose this question to you: What have they done TO the schools?

Q — It seems that your entire purpose for running is to insult all elected officials, including School Board President Scott Zeidmen. Is that your platform?

Most politicians insult themselves. They do not need my help. Why are you upset? Do you not hear or see the slick politicians complaining?

Q —It looks as if you are just using the election as a way to insult those people who serve our city?

To see how fast the “POLITICIANS” can scramble once the light is turned on.

Q — If you were to win this election, wouldn’t you become an elected official? In that case, in your own words, wouldn’t you be selfish, ignorant, greedy and stupid? You are undoubtedly qualified.

Point well taken.


Mr. Abrams may be contacted at gabrams@ca.rr.com