Home OP-ED Can Rosemary Clooney Break Out and Sing ‘This Ole House’?

Can Rosemary Clooney Break Out and Sing ‘This Ole House’?


Dateline Dayton — Last week I told you about the deal on our house falling through.  On Friday evening, I got an email from my realtor, which she forwarded from the former purchaser's realtor. They claimed they were still interested in the house.  In addition, the purchaser had received a verbal approval on their mortgage. They were meeting with the mortgage company on Monday.

Since Jennifer, our realtor, already had planned and advertised an open house, she said she still was going to hold the event.  Saturday and Sunday I spent a good portion of both days doing curb appeal work and getting the grass cut, thanks to my son Chris.  I spent my time, spreading mulch and cleaning flower beds.  Pauline made sure things were in order inside the house.

Later Saturday afternoon, we were on our way to Columbus, with my sister Susan and her husband, my Las Vegas partner, Willie, to attend an event for my sister, Sara. She is president of the Ohio Women’s Auxiliary of the Eagles.  It was a fun event, and we were joined there by my brother, Mark and his wife, Carol.  I must say the food was terrible. My beef with the beef was that it tasted like black shoe leather. Happily, we were not there for the food.  Food at any Eagles even t normally is tasty.

After church on Sunday, which was my birthday, I continued the curb appeal project at the house, until the realtor arrived.  Shortly after I got back to the condo, Chris arrived with a cake.  Since we do have a small grass area at the new condo, which is our responsibility, and it was in need of attention, Chris cut the grass there.

After he left, I took a recliner nap, followed by leftovers from the lunch Pauline had fixed for the three of us.  I followed that with some cake and ice cream, making sure not to leave Jake out. Our dog loves ice cream.

Monday evening we made a quick trip to Piqua for a funeral home visitation.  The lady who died was the mother-in-law of a classmate. She  was in my parents’  graduating class.

Wednesday after meeting Chris for breakfast, as it was my day off, it was back to the house to get things spiffy for a possible sale.  In the evening we did receive an extension of closing from the original purchasers.  Supposedly, whatever the problem, it was resolved by a new lender.  We are now set to close on or before May 23. No Sale Pending sign posted, and the house will be actively marketed until a firm closing date has been set.

We are scheduled to sign the extension today.  It will be interesting to see what develops between now and the 23rd.

Mr. Hennessey may be contacted at pmhenn@sbcglobal.net