Home OP-ED Calling Again for Licenses After 11-Year-Old Murders a Baby

Calling Again for Licenses After 11-Year-Old Murders a Baby


Dateline Dayton — I harp on this subject too much, but it is important.  An 11-year-old girl from Northeast Ohio is being held in juvenile detention, charged with murder.  She got her mother to agree to watch a friend’s two-month-old child for the night.

After her mother had fallen asleep on the couch, she took the infant to another room where she beat the baby to death. Her mother awoke when she carried the bloody child back into the room.

Everyone, yes, everyone, caring for a child, should be licensed. They should be able to demonstrate they have received instruction on how to care for and love a child.

Possibly the mother of the alleged killer is just a guilty if she knew her daughter was unbalanced.

Something must be wrong with a child of 11 who wants to kill a baby.

Would a piece of paper have saved this infant’s life? Maybe.

True or False?

Does anyone tell the truth?

The Vatican bank is so corrupt it possibly can't be fixed.  Pope Francis is trying. He may not succeed…

So Brian Williams is trying to be a newsmaker rather than a news reporter.  No surprise. I have heard for years the news networks slant the news to their political advantage. Where is truthful reporting?

It appears Mr. Williams has a self-extreme problem that never may be cured.  He wants to make the news, not report it.  If the news networks would get back to investigating and reporting facts, not what they want us hear and believe, the entire world could be a better place.

Now that NBC News has suspended him for six months without pay, I hope friends will take up a collection so he doesn't have to live on the street.

Any network that makes our president look good is not doing the public a favor…

Speaking of government, will anyone tell us the truth about what is taking place in, ahem, our country?  We only get doubletalk.  This, of course, is not new. 

Someday we the people will regain control. I saw a neat sticker on a car the other day:

“America, Formed by Geniuses, Run by Idiots.”

Mr. Hennessey may be contacted at pmhenn@sbcglobal.net