Home OP-ED Bubar Joins Former School Board Members for Silbiger

Bubar Joins Former School Board Members for Silbiger


Stew Bubar this week became the latest former School Board member to support Karlo Silbiger’s campaign for a second term on the School Board.

Mr. Bubar joins current Board members Prof. Patricia Siever and Nancy Goldberg, and former members Dr. Wanda Bougarides, Madeline Ehrlich, Steve Gourley, Barbara Honig, Dr. Bob Knopf, Steven Schwartz and Marla Wolkowitz in supporting Mr. Silbiger’s campaign. Last week, former Mayor Ed Wolkowitz also endorsed him. Ed and Marla Wolkowitz were the co-chairs of the successful Measure T school bond initiative campaign of 1996. 

A teacher, Mr. Silbiger – whose victory party one week from tonight will start at 8:30 at 4378 Jasmine, three blocks south of Culver Boulevard –  has taught in Culver City’s Summer Program. He has degrees in Education from Boston University and Harvard University.

If reelected, he plans to work on the School District’s processes for hiring consultants, to rein in the numbers of contracts and require fiscally responsible bidding, as well as finding ways to support our teachers and staff, currently among the lowest paid in Los Angeles County.

Mr. Silbiger has championed greater transparency and more community involvement in the District by pushing for improved information on the District website and fostering citizen advisory committees to the Board (including the Budget Committee and Environmental Sustainability Committee). These important measures make the Board and District more accountable to citizens and help ensure critical community support for future District initiatives.”

Going Green Is Good

Green California Schools has awarded the Green Schools Leadership Award in the category of “Energy” to the Culver City Unified School Board for its Green5 program. The award will be presented at the Green California Schools Summit, Wednesday, Nov. 6, at the Pasadena Convention Center.

 “I am delighted that the Environmental Sustainability Committee that I started in 2010 has developed the innovative programs, such as Green 5, recognized by the 2013 Green Schools Leadership Award award,” Mr. Silbiger said.   

“My hope at the time was that Board advisory committees, such as ESC, would bring together parents, staff, teachers and greater community members to provide expertise, skills and knowledge in areas where the Board and District expertise may not be as fully developed. ESC has surpassed my expectations. Not only have they provided helpful advice on current projects before the Board, such as the recent solar project, but helped identify opportunities such as the Green5 initiatives that were achievable but had not been recognized by the District and Board.”

The Green5 campaign is an educational program piloted at Lin Howe Elementary in 2012. It is designed to build awareness of environmental sustainability within our school community and save money in the process. The campaign consists of five simple ways to reduce consumption and recycle more carefully: (1) Open the blinds and use the sun to light up rooms; (2) Share appliances and unplug them when they are not in use; (3) Close windows and doors when the heat or air-conditioning is on; (4) Use refillable water bottles instead of single-use plastic bottles, and; (5) Reduce consumption. Reuse whatever you can. Recycle whenever possible.

For more information about the Silbiger campaign, contact Karlo Silbiger for Culver City School Board at contact@karlo4schoolboard.com, 310.202.7255 and visit www.karlo4schoolboard.com  and “Karlo for Culver City School Board” on Facebook.