Home OP-ED Board Salary Increase

Board Salary Increase


The argument for School Board members to give themselves a 2 percent salary increase because it is almost nothing – $4.80 a month for each member, $288 a year for all Board members combined – is the point I want to make. If it is almost nothing, why ask for it?


Because it will set a precedent for Board members to receive further salary increases when School District employees receive their negotiated salary raises. It ties Board members' raises to those of District employees. If this happens, what is next? Matching the state's cost-of-living increases?

Come On, Let Us in on This

When District employees had to take furlough days, a couple of years ago, I don't remember Board members taking an equal, in-kind cut in their own compensation. Now that the salary trend is back on the upside, it seems Board members want in on the action.
Confirming Facts?

Since the state sets the limits on Board members’ compensation based on the District’s ADA enrollment, it makes me wonder whether our Board’s monthly compensation is that far below that of other similar sized unified school districts in L.A. County. Has there been a study done confirming this? Or do Board members think they deserve more for choosing to serve their community?

State Limits

The base amount received by a school district governing board member is established in the State Government Code. The average daily attendance (ADA) for the Culver City USD is about 6500 students.

35120 (a) (5) In any school district in which the average daily attendance for the prior school year was 10,000 or less but more than 1,000, each member of the city board of education or the governing board of the district who actually attends all meetings held may receive as compensation for his or her services a sum not to exceed two hundred forty dollars in any month.
Local Limits
This previous statute later was amended (reflected in the following CCUSD board policy) to allow to members to change their compensation within certain limits.
BB 9250 (a) Board members shall not increase their compensation by any percentage that exceeds the lesser of the percentage increase provided to either the certificated or classified bargaining units.

Feeling Left Out

Just because the School Board agreed to a 2 percent raise for District employees, it doesn't mean board members should receive the same. They volunteered to oversee our District. They are public servants, not employees!

Community Service

Hundreds of school board members in California and thousands across the nation serve their communities without district compensation. Our School Board members volunteer to run for office. They were elected to serve their community. They  should see their duty as community service, not as a job requiring incremental pay raises.

Looking Good

Board members who will be running for re-election should realize that they probably could get a lot more positive political mileage out of this if they voted against it.

Image Is Everything

It would make them look fiscally responsible. That is a part of their public image that most of our Board members need to work on before November’s election.

Mr. Laase may be contacted GMLaase@aol.com